
Dicom Image Toolkit for CornestoneJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Dicom Image Toolkit for CornestoneJS

Current version: 0.3.1

This library provides common dicom functionalities to be used in web-applications. Multiplanar reformat on axial, sagittal and coronal viewports is included as well as custom loader/exporter for nrrd files and orthogonal reslice.

  • index main file
  • image_parsing parse dicom files and return a cornestone data structure ready to be used for rendering
  • image_io import a dicom image in .nrrd format and build contiguous array for exporting data as volume
  • image_layers provide support for multi-layer cornerstone fusion renderer
  • image_loading initialize loader and custom loaders
  • image_contours using to populate cornerstone tool for segmentation contours on 2D images
  • image_tools using to handle standard and custom cornerstone tools
  • image_rendering provides rendering functionalities
  • image_store provides data storage functionalities, vuex support is integrated
  • image_utils utility functions on pixels and metadata tags
  • dataDictionary json file for dicom tags
  • loaders/commonLoader common functionalities for custom loaders
  • loaders/dicomLoader custom loader for DICOM files with support for multiplanar reformat (axial, sagittal and coronal planes)
  • loaders/nrrdLoadercustom loader for nrrd files with support for multiplanar reformat (axial, sagittal and coronal planes)
  • loaders/resliceLoader custom loader for resliced data
  • tools/customTool is a the main file used to initialize custom cornerstone tools
  • tools/contourTool is a custom cornerstone tool for 2D visualization of segmented images
  • tools/diameterTool is a custom cornerstone tool for 2D visualization of diameter widgets
  • tools/editMaskTool is a custom cornerstone tool for 2D visualization of segmentation masks with brush functionalities
  • tools/seedTool is a custom cornerstone tool for 2D interactive seeding with custom colors and labels
  • tools/default default tools map and configuration


  • Simone Manini, D/Vision Lab
  • Mattia Ronzoni, D/Vision Lab
  • Sara Zanchi


  • cornerstone
  • dicomParser
  • wadoImageLoader
  • lodash
  • nrrd-js


yarn add larvitar

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