How to compile?
(1) mkdir build
(2) CMakeLists.txt, line 14 and 15, replace the dlib path with your own path
(3) Download "shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat.bz2" and "dlib_face_recognition_resnet_model_v1.dat.bz2" from http://dlib.net/files/, the first file is for face nomalizetion and rotation, the second file is pretrained face model. put the two files in build folder. uncopress them using bunzip2 command
(4) cd build
(5) cmake ..
(6) make -j8
How to run
(1) prepare the training file and testing file like orltrain.txt and orltest.txt.
(2)./shape_face /home/yjwudi/face_recognizer/orl/orltrain.txt /home/yjwudi/face_recognizer/orl/orltest.txt