
Exercise 1: Create Project Homepage by StartIQ team

Primary LanguageHTML

StartIQ Team Project Homepage

Exercise 1: Create Project Homepage by StartIQ team

Team Members : Amy Kim(yk154), Sarah Faller

Create a file index.html:
  • The name of your project as the title and header
  • A 100 word max overview of your project
  • A project roadmap (i.e. what features you plan on building during each sprint) using ordered and unordered lists
  • Relevant images (e.g. wireframes)
  • Links to other websites or another of your own html page
  • Use divs and spans to organise your page
  • A form for visitors submit info (we don’t have server-side code yet, so no data will be received, but just make the form with a button)
  • A team roster table with interesting info about each member (e.g. hometown, role on team, hobbies, fun fact, etc.)
Create a file styles.css:
  • Linked to by your index.html.
  • Selects specific elements to style by both id and by class.
  • Adds colours (try named colours, by hex code, and by RGB)
  • Aligns text
  • Margins, border, and paddings for divs
  • Specifies the size of images in terms of % of the page