A web-based writing application with real-time collaboration and Markdown syntax support for crafting and sharing notes. Group and find note easily with hashtag and full text search. Inspired by Bear note and HackMD.
Email: bear@mail.com
Password: bearplus
(Public note are view only for anonymous user, please sign in to test collaboration features!)
- Text Style Rich Previews
- Markdown Compatible Syntax
- DONE: Heading, unordered list, ordered list, quote, code block
- TODO: line separator, code, bold, italic, link, mark, etc.
- JavaScript Code Syntax Highlight
- In-line Drag and Drop Support for Images
- Note Information Dashboard
- Simultaneous editing without conflict
- Real-time Users' Cursor Display
- Auto Update and Save
- Share Note by Url
- Simple Note Permission Setting
- Inline Comment
- Environment: Linux + Node.js
- Framework: Express.js
- Real-time Data Transport: Socket.io
- User Authorization: Passport.js + Express Session
- Server-side Renderer: EJS
- JavaScript + AJAX + jQuery
- Module Bundler: Webpack
- Rich-text Editor: ProseMirror
Implemented Operational Transformation System by ProseMirror Collab Module.
- Protocol: HTTP & HTTPs
- SSL Certificate: AWS Certificate Manager
- DNS: Route53
- Proxy server: Nginx
- CI/CD: Jenkins + Docker
- Test: Mocha + Chai + Sinon
- Linter: ESLint
- EC2 + ELB
- S3 + CloudFront
Yen-Chen Kuo