
Check robot framework files syntaxe

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


Docker image (light-weight : 61MB) to check robot framework files syntaxe

How to use

Pull your Docker images :

$ docker pull ykaaouachi/robotfr-linter

Run your container with :

$ docker run -ti --rm --name robot-linter ykaaouachi/robotfr-linter
/ #
  1. Run linter

Now you are ready to check your ".robot" files :

/ # python -m rflint /path/to/yourTest.robot
  1. Display rules

To see a list of all rules, run :

/ # python -m rflint --list
E DuplicateKeywordNames
E DuplicateTestNames
W FileTooLong
W InvalidTable
W LineTooLong
W PeriodInSuiteName
W PeriodInTestName
E RequireKeywordDocumentation
W RequireSuiteDocumentation
E RequireTestDocumentation
E TagWithSpaces
W TooFewKeywordSteps
W TooFewTestSteps
W TooManyTestCases
W TooManyTestSteps
W TrailingBlankLines

Or for more details, run :

/ # python -m rflint --list --verbose
  1. Update Configuration

To add some specific configurations, use --config option, for example :

/ # python -m rflint --configure LineTooLong:80 /path/to/yourTest.robot
  1. Ignore specific rule

To ignore some rules, you can use --ignore option :

/ # python -m rflint --ignore LineTooLong /path/to/yourTest.robot


Thanks to Bryan Oakley, this image is based his repository