
Annwvyn Engine is a simple game engine built upon free and open source technologies to easily create applications and games using the Oculus Rift Headset.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Annwvyn Engine is a simple game engine built upon free and open source technologies to easily create applications and games using the Oculus Rift Headset.

Please read the DEPEDENCIES file to know what you need to build it.

Requied hardware

  • A fairly recent GPU. Support for OpenGL 4.3 is mandatory
  • Oculus VR Headset (Rift) Dev Kit 2, 1 should work also but I haven't tested it.

Building on Windows

As stated in the DEPEDENCIES file, you should download the SDK from http://annwvyn.org/ If you are using windows 10, install and get running runtime 0.7 with apropriate drivers

Building on Linux (experimental) (unsuported by oculus. This use a fairly outdated SDK...)

Install the libraries as stated on the DEPENDENCIES file. Download the OculusSDK and uncompress it and rename it "OculusSDK"on the parent folder of Annwvyn.

Install the udev rules before plugin the headset.

Configure the rift as a rotated 2nd screen. You can use xrandr like so:

xrandr --output DVI-I-1 --pos 1920x0 --mode 1080x1920 --rate 75 --rotate left

You may need to change the output name to mach your config. (See xrandr man page)

Then just run the following commands:

make test
sudo make install

If you are running the 0.4.4 version of the rift SDK, you have to know that there is a bug crashin the dk at initialization of the IR camera. The quick fix is to restart the ovcvideo module with the parameter quirks=0

sudo rmmod uvcvideo
sudo modprobe ovcvideo quirks=0

Using the engine

Make a copy of the "template" directory to a convinient location for you, and you are ready to go.

On windows you need to have a environement variable "AnnwvynSDK" set to the SDK location. This is done automaticly by the SDK installer, but if you encounter problem, you should run again the RUNME.bat script on the SDK installation folder

If you want more information about the project, please consult the official website (http://annwvyn.org/). It aslo contains documentation about the code.

This project is in it's realy early phases of developpement. If you have any question, feel free to contact me.

Licence MIT.