Web camera-based motion-detected security system

Primary LanguageJava


This is a motion-detection-triggered video monitoring system. It detects motion and begins recording 
while simultaneously streaming the video, encrypted, to a remote server where it is stored encrypted with 
the user's private key.

The main class for this program is ClientMain.java. 

Run this class to run the system.

1.	Some differences between computers based on drivers. For example, some HP drivers delay the video
	selection process by having a popup that asks the user what device to use. This causes problems 
	with the internal selection system of the client. This issue is not prevalent in other laptops.
	(Be aware of some driver issues of JMF)


Things Chris said to do:

- Chris made me change the way I implemented the singleton pattern so that it was programatically sound.
(Made the constructor private - and combined the singleton class with the class that had the logic in it)

- Chris showed me a book with a couple of extra design patterns to implement in the system.

- Said to change the storage of the usernames and passwords - hash the passwords with a one-way hash, and use 
an authentication frameword (Not using JAAS)

- Use unit tests - Used JUnit testing framework built into Eclipse

- Read the design pattern book and will not take a look at the system to see if I can improve some of the functionality 
	with design patterns. (Aside from already using singletons for the web and db connection managers)

- Took a look at alternatives to using applets for the website:

	suggests using a webstart launched (J)Frame - looking into portability



AS OF JULY 30, 2011

- Version 2.0 is almost complete.
	- Having problems with the streaming to the applet. It works fine in the eclipse applet viewer, but when 
		I run the applet in the website (browser is chrome) I get no errors, but also no stream. I 
		suspect this is a security problem as I have had problems with firewalls blocking the applets 
		before. I'll look into this.
	- Having problems streaming the video to file. I thought this was working but it turns out that it 
		hasn't - not even in the prototype. I will have to take a look at how datasinks work and 
		see if I can debug this. Right now its using JMF to get a cloned version of the webcam datasource,
		then convert it to .mov format in a processor, then it is supposed to save the file to the specified
		data location given to the daatsink. (Still not working)
	- All other systems seem to work well.
	- Reduced the code base by a significant amount with the reduction from version 1.0 to 2.0.
	- Upgraded JMF (I guess there was a more recent version) and not have ability to select from multiple input
		devices easily on startup.
	- Upgraded JRE and now some of the issues with the applet are no longer relevant - still having streaming 
		problems though.
	- Remote server is now operational and will be using it in version 3.0 to separate the database and control
		from the client application. (Data storage, and streaming will go through the server - along with 
		access controls, etc)
	- Everything is in a GitHub repository now, where we have a - somewhat-maintained wiki, and ticket management 
		system. This will help facilitate code continuity and integrity.
	- The GitHub project contains the entire eclipse project and settings so that developers can import the entire
		project into eclipse without very much configuration. Readmes have been written to guide users in 
		configuring these changes.
	- Research into stream encryption and cryptography has been constant throughout V2.0 development. Some 
		suggestions from Chris Matthews include storing a has of the passwords instead of plaintext, 
		using certain Java security libraries for user authentication and stream encryption, and better use 
		of access controls to limit the ability of the client application to abuse the system.

- Want to change the database ids to autoincrement and have the system create a record for the video, then 
	retrieve the id, then use that id - this will remove the neccessity to have the settings.dat file and 
	will also stop the inconsistency errors that occur when the system crashes.