Hi there, I'm Santosh Yadav! 👋

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  • 🔭 I’m currently working on ngx-builder
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Typescript and Angular
  • 💬 Ask me about Angular, Typescript
  • 📫 How to reach me: @SantoshYadavDev

My Developer Journey on FreeCodeCamp

From the Slums of Mumbai to a Rented Apartment – My 30-Year Developer Journey

My Story on GitHub ReadME Project

Out of the slums and into open source

My Story on Google

Creating a better life with Santosh Yadav

My Free Angular Course on freeCodeCamp

Angular for Beginners Course

Sponsorship Data (Per/Month in USD)

Description Paid (Per/Month) Received (Per/Month) Balance
Domains 12
Sponsorship Paid 145
Sponsorship Received 0 200
StreamYard 40
Total 197 200 3

Santosh Yadav Github Stats

Santosh Yadav Language Stats

Santosh's github activity graph

Blog posts

Recent GitHub Activity

  1. 💪 Opened PR #57534 in angular/angular
  2. 🗣 Commented on #51665 in angular/angular
  3. 🗣 Commented on #798 in fabian-hiller/valibot
  4. ❌ Closed PR #798 in fabian-hiller/valibot
  5. 🗣 Commented on #287 in fabian-hiller/valibot

Recent Youtube Videos

Discover OctoPrint: Support the Crowdfunded Project and Join the Community! Unlocking the Power of Collaboration: Why Going with Alokai is the Smart Choice From Developer to Community Leader   Navigating Career, Burnout, and Tech Talks TIL Conf - Cloud and Backend - Second Half TIL Conf - Closing Notes TIl - Closing note Learning Angular With Santosh - Navbar using NG-ZORRO Lets explore AnalogJS Learning Angular with Santosh - Appwrite API