- 0
Hello YK
#65 opened by NoahStoessel - 0
DoesNotExist at /accounts/twitter/login
#58 opened by MathiasDevelopes - 30
Decide how to deploy this app
#27 opened by ykdojo - 10
- 0
Set up HTTPS on Heroku
#53 opened by ykdojo - 0
Fix the scrolling issue on the phone
#54 opened by ykdojo - 0
- 0
- 0
When the user finishes the signup flow, we should show them tweets in the language they're fluent in
#50 opened by ykdojo - 0
Make a worker script
#51 opened by ykdojo - 0
- 4
Decide which CSS framework to use
#42 opened by ykdojo - 0
- 0
- 2
When the user selects the languages they are learning/fluent in, redirect to a more meaningful page/state
#49 opened by ykdojo - 24
Create a sign up form where the new user selects which language they are learning
#39 opened by ykdojo - 7
Make the welcome message look prettier
#41 opened by ykdojo - 2
- 1
Install material-kit (the free version)
#44 opened by ykdojo - 3
- 3
- 0
- 3
When a user signs up for the first time, follow their Twitter account from @EditDojo
#36 opened by ykdojo - 4
When a user signs in, show their Twitter handle (plus maybe store it as a username?)
#35 opened by ykdojo - 2
- 1
Fix the name convention - make it more consistent.
#34 opened by ykdojo - 7
Create the *Sign Up with Twitter* function
#11 opened by ykdojo - 0
Create a better sign out form
#32 opened by ykdojo - 17
Make a simple Twitter bot with Python
#14 opened by ykdojo - 6
- 12
How about accounts?
#19 opened by HallBregg - 15
- 6
Should we use Node.js for this project?!
#21 opened by ykdojo - 4
- 6
Make a TODO app with Django
#15 opened by ykdojo - 1
#17 opened by anudeepkollapudi1 - 16
Change the database management system
#6 opened by glxnull - 1
Create a hello world app
#2 opened by ykdojo - 3
Add a readme
#1 opened by vvyomjjain