
GiftHub | Analyze social media for gift recommendations

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Struggling to find the gifts for your friends and family? Use Gifthub to find the perfect gift!

  • Analyze twitter feeds for gift recommendations based on IBM Watson's Personality Insights. Predict personality characteristics, needs and values through twitter feeds. Understand your loved ones habits and preferences on an individual level, and at scale.

Live Link

Set Up Directions

In the command line, type 'npm install' to download node packages. Go to package.json file to view dependencies.

  • Optimized for Chrome for best viewing experience.

How to Use GiftHub

  1. Create a login
  2. Type the twitter handle of someone you'd like to purchase a gift for
  3. Click sunburst graph to visualize personality data
  4. Browse eBay gift suggestions based off his/her characteristics

Sunburst Example


Technologies Used

  • Jquery for Dom Manipulation
  • AJAX for API GET/POST requests
    • Twitter, IBM Watson Personality Insights, eBay API
  • D3 for data visualization
  • Node.js (npm)
  • Express.js for routing
  • Firebase for user authentication
  • Bootstrap, Google Fonts, custom CSS for styling
  • Heroku for backend Proxy APIs

Directory structure

├── assets			 // client-side
│   ├── css
│   ├── fonts	
│   ├── images
│   ├── js
│   ├── json
│   ├── php
│   └── videos	                        
├── router                       // server-side applicatoin
│   └── app.js			 // express configuratoin
├── .gitignore                   
├── Procfile  
├── README.md  
├── index.html  		 // application browser
├── package-lock.json  
├── package.json       		 // dependencies            
└── profile_photo.jpg                


This sample code is licensed under Apache 2.0.


  • Ysrael "Izzy" Hernandez | GitHub
  • Donovan Lowkeen | GitHub
  • Shinsuke "Mike" Yamato | GitHub