
to learn EllipticCurve with Golang

Primary LanguageGo

Let's Start EllipticCurve

We often reffer Wikipedia; What's EllipticCurve? or How calculate on the EllipticCurve?
You can't master EllipticCurve completely by reading it.
It shows just a logic. The best way to master is by practice.

Why EllipticCurve?

Worth lerning.

Why don't you use sageMath?

You must be kidding.


Simple Usage

a := Str2Int("14", 10) // convert to *big.Int
b := Str2Int("7", 10)
p := Str2int("19", 10)

EC := NewCurve(a, b, p) // Define an EllipticCurve; y^2 = x^3 + ax + b (mod p)

solve (EC)DLP

I hope it runs faster than sageMath.