
Flask API Server example

Primary LanguagePython


This is a flask server that runs on a heroku app. There is a tasks API at /api

##Tasks ###Inventory

  • Multiple Inventories
  • Designed for food inventories but can be modified in the future
  • Functions
    • Create inventory
    • Create items
    • Read inventories
    • Update items
    • Delete items
    • Delete inventories
  • Inventory attributes
    • id (auto generated PK)
    • name
  • Item attributes (more can be added)
    • id (auto generated PK)
    • name
    • quantity (nullable)
    • purchaseDate (nullable)
    • expirationDate (nullable)
    • purchasePrice (nullable)

##Clients ###APIInterface.py

  • Python command line interface for interacting with the API
  • Simple text outputs and prints in JSON
  • For testing purpsoes

###Android App...

  • In Developement

##File structure

	/static/ - Will hold css and static images 
	/templates/ - Holds template webpages like the splash page 
	/views - Holds the views for the api
			import views
			routes to / and /api
			select * - GET /api/inventory
			insert - POST /api/inventory
			delete - DELETE /api/inventory/<name>
			select * - GET /api/inventory/<name>
			select 1 - GET /api/inventory/<name>/<int:item_id>
			insert/update - POST /api/inventory/<name>
			delete - DELETE /api/inventory/<name>/<int:item_id>
		create flask app
		error handlers
	/models.py - Holds the database models for the api
		date serializer
		define inventory
		define item
/config.py - Config for production (overwritten by instance folder on dev)
/Procfile - Startup file for heroku
/README.md - Documentation
/requirements.txt - python requirements
/run.py - runs the app
/shell.py - runs a shell with the app imported
/APIinterface.py - python CLI for the api