Docker Ubuntu Supervisor with SSH

  1. Get clone of this repo.

git clone
cd ubuntu-superssh

  1. copy your to ssh/know_hosts if you want.

cat ~/.ssh/ > ssh/known_hosts


after running container, you can update ssh key.

copy-ssh-id user@IP.ADD.RE.SS

  1. build docker image.

docker build --rm -t ykocaman/ubuntu-superssh:latest .

  1. run image.

docker run -d --name superssh ykocaman/ubuntu-superssh


1-4) get quickly this image from docker hub.

docker run -d ykocaman/ubuntu-superssh

  1. connect to your sweet docker container.

ssh user@

if you didnt change password from Dockerfile line 19, default password is "user".


with docker-compose you can create multiple containers easily.

docker-compose up -d

to remove

docker-compose down

for ip addresses of all containers

docker inspect -f '{{.Name}} - {{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' $(docker ps -aq)