
Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

LINE Blockchain developers SDK

This library helps developers to develop an application using widely-used languages interacting LINE Blockchain through LINE Blockchain Developers, which provides APIs for dApps(services), service wallets, and transactions sending to LINE Blockchain.

With this library, you can send API requests to LINE Blockchain Developers more easily, and forget about generating signatures for your requests. It'll make all stuffs of LINE Blockchain service development simple, letting you only care about what endpoints you have to call, with what parameters you have to pass, and what you'll receive. For the detailed specs of LINE Blockchain Developers API, see API Reference.


You have to register to LINE Blockchain Developers, and get API key and secret before using this library. Have no idea? Don't worry and see Sample tutorials and API guide. It'll guide you quickly, easily, and optimally.

This project has sub-projects to support several major languages:SDK for Kotlin and SDK for JavaScript.

SDK for Kotlin

This is a library project to support development with Kotlin language. For more details, see developers-sdk-kt/README.

SDK for JavaScript

This is a library project to support development with Typescript and JavaScript languages. For more details, see developers-sdk-js/README.

SDK for Python

SDK is for Python is coming! For more details, see developers-sdk-py/README.

How to contribute

Any suggestions or questions? Don't hesitate to create an issue for new feature requests or bug reports. You can also ask a question through Issues.