
Some previous work (and thoughts)

I'm Yulian Kraynyak, here's some of my work.

Project Preview Description Built with
Intelliterm intelliterm-screenshot Chat with AI from your terminal!
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python pytest poetry openai
UXinsight uxi-screenshot User experience and behavior analysis system
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typescript react redux next.js node d3 mongodb mui scss
Clevercat clevercat-screenshot A Q&A platform supporting a variety of features
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typescript react express node SQL (postgres) MUI SCSS
verbalize.photos verbalize-photos-screenshot Image verbalization for the visually impaired
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typescript python react node AWS azure firebase MUI SCSS
Breakroom breakroom-screenshot Hyper-local, random group chat
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typescript react react-native expo redux Nx node firebase MUI SCSS
Anoni anoni-screenshot Cross-platform anonymous messenger
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typescript react react native node firebase AWS azure cryptography MUI SCSS
Lightbulb lightbulb-screenshot Minimal dark theme for VSCode that intelligently illuminates the important stuff (Visual Studio Code Extension Development)
Am I the only one? am-i-the-only-one-demo A public poll for the Internet's deep, weird and otherwise 2am-esque questions
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typescript react node nlp firebase scss

My links