
A set of libraries to make working with firebase easier in clojure

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


A clojure library to make working with firebase easier

master codecov

Clojars Project


  • Authentication, email verification and password resets are tedious and hard.
  • Auth0 gets pricey as you scale
  • Firebase auth has a fixed cost of 0 (for now)


[alekcz/charmander "1.0.2"]

;; In your ns statement:
(ns my.ns
  (:require [charmander.core :as charm]
            [charmander.admin :as charm-admin]
            [charmander.firestore :as charm-firestore]))


  • Token API

    • validate-token
  • Admin API

    • init
    • create-user
    • delete-user
    • get-user
    • get-user-by-email
    • get-user-by-phone-number
    • set-user-email
    • set-user-password
    • set-user-phone-number
    • set-user-display-name
    • set-user-photo-url
    • generate-email-verification-link
    • generate-password-reset-link
  • Firestore API

    • create-document
    • add-document-to-collection
    • get-document
    • get-document-and-subcollections
    • get-collection
    • set-document
    • update-document
    • delete-document

Validating tokens

Validates firebase tokens. Validating tokens doesn't require an admin or service account.

(charm/validate-token "firebase-project-id" fresh-token)  
;;	:projectid "firebase-project-id", 
;;	:uid "uid", 
;;	:email "name@domain.com", 
;;	:email_verified false, 
;;	:sign_in_provider "password", 
;;	:exp 0000000000, 
;;	:auth_time 0000000000

(charm/validate-token "firebase-project-id" stale-token)
;; nil

(charm/validate-token "wrong-firebase-project-id" fresh-token)
;; nil

(charm/validate-token "(.*)-project-ids" fresh-token)
;;	:projectid "multiple-project-ids", 
;;	:uid "uid", 
;;	:email "name@domain.com", 
;;	:email_verified false, 
;;	:sign_in_provider "password", 
;;	:exp 0000000000, 
;;	:auth_time 0000000000


Manages user data and authentication using your firebase admin or service account credentials using the email/password sign-in provider. At the moment only one firebase app can be used at a time.

The Admin API is based on the Java Firebase Admin SDK v6.8.0

Initializing your admin account

  1. Get the json file containing your creditials by following the instruction here https://firebase.google.com/docs/admin/setup

  2. Enable the email/password sign-in provider.

  3. Set the GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT environment to the id of your project

  4. Set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to the contents of your json key file. (Sometimes it may be necessary to wrap the key contents in single quotes to escape all the special characters within it. e.g. GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS='contents-of-json')

  5. initialize the admin sdk in charmander


Managing user accounts

The admin api only allows the creating of users using the email/password sign-in provider.

(charm-admin/create-user "email@domain.com" "superstrong6characterpassword")  
;;    :email email@domain.com
;;    :email-verified false
;;    :uid vMnMJvS28kWr5pb6sByHULMLelJ3
;;    :provider-id firebase
;;    :photo-url nil
;;    :phone-number nil
;;    :display-name nil
;;    :disabled false

(charm-admin/get-user "vMnMJvS28kWr5pb6sByHULMLelJ3")  
;;    :email email@domain.com
;;    :email-verified true
;;    :uid vMnMJvS28kWr5pb6sByHULMLelJ3
;;    :provider-id firebase
;;    :photo-url https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/11717556?s=460&v=4
;;    :phone-number nil
;;    :display-name emailer
;;    :disabled false

(charm-admin/get-user-by-email "email@domain.com")  
;;    :email email@domain.com
;;    :email-verified true
;;    :uid vMnMJvS28kWr5pb6sByHULMLelJ3
;;    :provider-id firebase
;;    :photo-url https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/11717556?s=460&v=4
;;    :phone-number nil
;;    :display-name emailer
;;    :disabled false

(charm-admin/set-user-email "vMnMJvS28kWr5pb6sByHULMLelJ3" "tony@hawk.cool")  
;;    :email tony@hawk.cool
;;    :email-verified false
;;    :uid vMnMJvS28kWr5pb6sByHULMLelJ3
;;    :provider-id firebase
;;    :photo-url https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/11717556?s=460&v=4
;;    :phone-number nil
;;    :display-name emailer
;;    :disabled false

(charm-admin/set-user-password "vMnMJvS28kWr5pb6sByHULMLelJ3" "5tr0ngp455w0rd")  
;;    :email tony@hawk.cool
;;    :email-verified false
;;    :uid vMnMJvS28kWr5pb6sByHULMLelJ3
;;    :provider-id firebase
;;    :photo-url https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/11717556?s=460&v=4
;;    :phone-number nil
;;    :display-name emailer
;;    :disabled false

(charm-admin/set-user-phone-number "vMnMJvS28kWr5pb6sByHULMLelJ3" "0800123123")  
;;    :email tony@hawk.cool
;;    :email-verified false
;;    :uid vMnMJvS28kWr5pb6sByHULMLelJ3
;;    :provider-id firebase
;;    :photo-url https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/11717556?s=460&v=4
;;    :phone-number 0800123123
;;    :display-name emailer
;;    :disabled false

(charm-admin/set-user-display-name "vMnMJvS28kWr5pb6sByHULMLelJ3" "Tony Hawk")  
;;    :email tony@hawk.cool
;;    :email-verified false
;;    :uid vMnMJvS28kWr5pb6sByHULMLelJ3
;;    :provider-id firebase
;;    :photo-url https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/11717556?s=460&v=4
;;    :phone-number nil
;;    :display-name Tony Hawk
;;    :disabled false

(charm-admin/set-user-photo-url "vMnMJvS28kWr5pb6sByHULMLelJ3" "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Hawk#/media/File:Skater_Tony_Hawk.jpg")  
;;    :email tony@hawk.cool
;;    :email-verified false
;;    :uid vMnMJvS28kWr5pb6sByHULMLelJ3
;;    :provider-id firebase
;;    :photo-url https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Hawk#/media/File:Skater_Tony_Hawk.jpg
;;    :phone-number nil
;;    :display-name Tony Hawk
;;    :disabled false

(charm-admin/generate-email-verification-link "tony@hawk.cool")  
;; https://alekcz-dev.firebaseapp.com/__/auth/action?mode=verifyEmail&oobCode=d6uX0gzOuvnZLAwfk8HKxLYrRUCUaBnrzwDgFdzfDhgAAAFprFHVmQ&apiKey=AIz0000yaVaaa512312YL_lffaf311da333211TBp_QPFqvda2e1daw&lang=en

(charm-admin/generate-password-reset-link "tony@hawk.cool")  
;; https://alekcz-dev.firebaseapp.com/__/auth/action?mode=resetPassword&oobCode=viRcZqjCqxN6eYYmkQGY2fCZjU4RDKuNhysok83ghSEAAAFprFVwJg&apiKey=AIz0000yaVaaa512312YL_lffaf311da333211TBp_QPFqvda2e1daww&lang=en

Working with Firestore (Alpha)

The API allows for CRUD operation on firestore.

(charm-firestore/create-document "collection" "document" {:field1 "field1" :field2 "field2"})  

(charm-firestore/add-document-to-collection "path/to/collection" {:field1 "field1" :field2 "field2"})  
;;  { :id "document",
;;    :data {
;;          :name "Document",
;;          :subcollections ()
;;     }
;;  }

(charm-firestore/push-document-to-collection "path/to/collection" {:field1 "field1" :field2 "field2"})  
;; nil
;; To allow increased through put this writes to firebase but gives not feedback.

(charm-firestore/get-document "path/to/collection" "document")  
;;  { :id "document",
;;    :data {
;;          :name "Document",
;;          :subcollections
;;           ({:id "subcollection1", :path "collection/document/subcollection1"}
;;            {:id "subcollection2", :path "collection/document/subcollection2"}
;;            {:id "subcollection3", :path "collection/document/subcollection2"})
;;     }
;;  }

(charm-firestore/get-document-and-subcollections "path/to/collection" "document")  
;;  { :id "document",
;;    :data {
;;          :name "Document",
;;          :subcollections
;;           ({:id "subcollection1", 
;;             :path "collection/document/subcollection1"
;;             :data ({:id "9AMN2yNG3J9GvtTPMxxy", :data {:name "SubdocumentA"}})}
;;            {:id "subcollection2", 
;;             :path "collection/document/subcollection1"
;;             :data ({:id "6223N2yNG3J9GvtTPMxxy", :data {:name "SubdocumentB"}})})
;;     }
;;  }

(charm-firestore/get-collection "path/to/collection")  
;;     ({:id "collectionA", 
;;       :path "collection/document/collectionA"
;;       :data ({:id "6223N2yNG3J9GvtTPMxxy", :data {:name "SubdocumentP"}}
;;              {:id "6223N2yNG3J9GvtTPMxxy", :data {:name "SubdocumentQ"}}))})

(charm-firestore/set-document "path/to/document-to-be-overwritten" {:field1 "field1" :field2 "field2"})  

(charm-firestore/update-document "path/to/document-to-be-updated" {:field1 "field1" :field2 "field2"})  

(charm-firestore/delete-document "path/to/document-to-be-delete")  

Next steps

  • Increase efficiency
  • Look into core.async for public key refresh
  • Build up API


Copyright © 2019 Alexander Oloo

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.