
DB Schema Data to REST APIs

Primary LanguageClojure


REST APIs from DB Schema Data

Sapid creates instantly-operational REST routes from DB schema data.


  • Creates REST-powered ring routes for different routers including reitit, bidi or Duct-Ataraxy.

  • Supports nested resource structures for one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many relationships on top of root entities.

  • DB schema data can be retrieved from a running DB or specified with a config map selectively.

  • Filtering, sorting and pagination come out of the box.

  • Swagger UI connectable.


  • This project is currently in POC state and hasn't been published to Clojars yet.

Schema Data to Nested Resource Structures

Here's an example schema showing how Sapid creates endpoints according to four types of relationships: Root, 1-to-1, 1-to-N and N-to-N. (Please refer to Routes per relationship types for geneic rules.)

Image of Schema to APIs


;; Read schema data from DB (as data for Integrant)
{:sapid.core/reitit-routes {:db (ig/ref :my-db/connection)}
 ::app {:routes (ig/ref :sapid.core/reitit-routes)}}

;; Provide schema data (direct function call)
(def routes (sapid.core/make-reitit-routes {:tables [{:name "..."}]}))
;; Read schema data from DB (as data for Integrant)
{:sapid.core/bidi-routes {:db (ig/ref :my-db/connection)}
 ::app {:routes (ig/ref :sapid.core/reitit-routes)}}

;; Provide schema data (direct function call)
(def routes (sapid.core/make-bidi-routes {:tables [{:name "..."}]}))
Duct Ataraxy
;; at root/module level of duct config edn
:sapid.core/duct-routes {} 

When reading schema data from DB connection, Sapid leverages naming patterns of tables/columns to identify relationships:

Table names can be specified in the config map for other naming patterns. (In this case, Sapid will not attempt retrieving schema data from DB.)

  1. Root or N-to-N relationship?

    A table name without _ would be classified as Root, and a table name pattern of resourcea_resourceb (like members_groups) is assumed for N-to-N tables.

  2. 1-to-1/1-to-N relationship?

    If a table is not N-to-N and contains a column ending with _id, 1-to-1/1-to-N relationship is identified per column.

Sapid Config

Though configurable parameters vary by router types, Sapid doesn't require many config values in general. Some key concepts & list of parameters are as below:

Config Parameters

Key Description Default Value
:db Database connection object.
:table-name-plural true if tables uses plural naming like users instead of user. true
:resource-path-plural true if plural is desired for URL paths like /users instead of /user. true
:tables DB schema including list of table definitions. Plz check Schema Data for details. Created from :db

Schema Data

Schema data is used to specify custom table schema to construct REST APIs without querying a DB. It is specified with a list of tables under :tables key in the config map.

{:tables [
   {:relation-types [:root :one-n]
    :name "users"
    :columns [{:name "id"
       	      :type "text"
               :notnull 0
               :dflt_value nil}
              {:name "image_id"
               :type "int"
               :notnull 1
               :dflt_value 1}
	           ;; ... more columns
    :belongs-to ["image"]
    :pre-save-signal #ig/ref :my-project/user-pre-save-fn
    :post-save-signal #ig/ref :my-project/user-post-save-fn}
    ;; ... more tables
Table Data Details:
Key Description
:name Table name.
:columns List of columns. A column can contain :name, :type, :notnull and :dflt_value parameters.
:relation-types List of table relation types. :root, :one-n and :n-n are supported.
:belongs-to List of columns related to id of other tables. (:table-name-plural will format them accordingly.)
:pre-save-signal A function to be triggered at handler before accessing DB. (It will be triggered with request as a parameter.)
:post-save-signal A function to be triggered at handler after accessing DB. (It will be triggered with result data as a parameter.)
  • Parameters specific to Duct Ataraxy
Key Description Default Value
:project-ns Project namespace. It'll be used for route keys. Loaded from :duct.core
:db-config-key Integrant key for a database connection. :duct.database/sql
:db Database connection object. If provided Sapid won't init the :db-config-key. Created from :db-config-key
:db-ref Integrant reference to a database connection for REST handler configs. Created from :db-config-key
:db-keys Keys to get a connection from a database map. [:spec]

Resource Filtering

Format of ?column=[operator]:[value] is used in a query string for filtering.


?id=lt:100&id=ne:1 (where id is less than 100 AND id is not equal to 1)

  • Supported operators are eq, ne, lt, le/lte, gt, and ge/gte.
  • Operators default to eq when omitted.
  • Multiple queries are applied with AND operator.

Resource Sorting

Format of ?order-by=[column]:[asc or desc] is used in a query string for sorting.


?order-by=id:desc (sort by id column in descending order)

  • Direction defaults to desc when omitted.

Resource Pagination

Formats of limit=[count] and offset=[count] are used in a query string for pagination.


?limit=20&id=gt:20 (20 items after/greater than id:20.)

  • limit and offset can be used independently.
  • Using offset can return different results when new entries are created while items are sorted by newest first. So using limit with id filter or created_at filter is often considered more consistent.

Routes per relationship types

Generic rules of route creation per relatioship types are as below:

  • Root
HTTP methods Routes
GET, POST /resource
GET, DELETE, PUT and PATCH /resource/{id}
  • 1-to-1/1-to-N
HTTP methods Routes
GET and POST /parent-resource/{parent-id}/child-resource
GET, DELETE, PUT and PATCH /parent-resource/{parent-id}/child-resource/{child-id}
  • N-to-N
HTTP methods Routes
GET /resource-a/{id-of-a}/resource-b
GET /resource-b/{id-of-b}/resource-a
POST /resource-a/{id-of-a}/resource-b/{id-of-b}/add
POST /resource-b/{id-of-b}/resource-a/{id-of-a}/add
POST /resource-a/{id-of-a}/resource-b/{id-of-b}/delete
POST /resource-b/{id-of-b}/resource-a/{id-of-a}/delete


To begin developing, start with a REPL.

lein repl

Then load the development environment.

user=> (dev)

Run go to prep and initiate the system.

dev=> (go)
:duct.server.http.jetty/starting-server {:port 3000}

By default this creates a web server at http://localhost:3000.

When you make changes to your source files, use reset to reload any modified files and reset the server.

dev=> (reset)
:reloading (...)


Testing is fastest through the REPL, as you avoid environment startup time.

dev=> (test)

But you can also run tests through Leiningen.

lein test


Copyright © 2021 Yohei Kusakabe