
Primary LanguageJavaScript

About the project

  • A REST service that can fetch bank details, using the data given in the API’s query parameters.
  • The data available in this repository is used as backend DB.
  • The Postgres DB is hosted on clever-cloud
  • The Node app is hosted on heroku. You can check it here

The app has following endpoints:

  1. Autocomplete API to return possible matches based on the branch name ordered by IFSC code with limit and offset.

    1. Endpoint: /api/branches/autocomplete?q=<>
    2. Example: /api/branches/autocomplete?q=RTGS&limit=3&offset=0
  2. Search API to return possible matches across all columns and all rows, ordered by IFSC code with limit and offset.

    1. Endpoint: /api/branches?q=<>
    2. Example: /api/branches?q=Bangalore&limit=4&offset=0