
Classifying handwritten digit with MNIST dataset

Primary LanguagePython

TensorFlow for Beginner

Classifying handwritten digit with MNIST dataset

This purpose of this project is to understand the foundation of forward and backward propagation in neural network.

Note: The accuracy is not the main purpose, therefore the accuracy in all files is only slightly above 90%.

There are two versions (each with 3 files) in this repository:

1. With TensorFlow implementation:
This is similar to the tutorial provided at the official website of TensorFlow.
2. Without Tensorflow implementation:
The exact equivalent but using only numpy to implement everything (inc. chain-rule derivative in backward propagation).
The architecture of neural network in each file:
A: input → linear layer → softmax → class probabilities
B: input → hidden layer (128 units) + Relu → linear layer → softmax → class probabilities
C: input → 2 * hidden layer (256 units) + Relu → linear layer → softmax → class probabilities

The required library:

  • TensorFlow
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • matplotlib