
CSI Driver for Dell EMC PowerStore

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

CSI PowerStore

Go Report Card License Docker Last Release

This repository contains Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver for Dell EMC PowerStore


CSI PowerStore is a Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver that provides support for provisioning persistent storage using Dell EMC PowerStore.

It supports CSI specification version 1.1.

A more detailed guide can be found in Product Guide


The CSI Driver for Dell EMC PowerStore image, which is the built driver code, is available on Dockerhub and is officially supported by Dell EMC.

The source code for CSI Driver for Dell EMC PowerStore available on Github is unsupported and provided solely under the terms of the license attached to the source code. For clarity, Dell EMC does not provide support for any source code modifications.

For any CSI driver issues, questions or feedback, join the Dell EMC Container community.


This project is a Go module (see golang.org Module information for explanation). The dependencies for this project are listed in the go.mod file.

To build the source, execute make clean build.

To run unit tests, execute make test.

To build a docker image, execute make docker.

Runtime Dependencies

Both the Controller and the Node portions of the driver can only be run on nodes with network connectivity to a Dell EMC PowerStore server (which is used by the driver).

If you want to use iSCSI as a transport protocol be sure that iscsi-initiator-utils package is installed on your node.

If you want to use FC be sure that zoning of Host Bus Adapters to the FC port directors was done.

If you want to use NFS be sure to enable it in myvalues.yaml and configure NAS server on PowerStore


Installation in a Kubernetes cluster should be done using the scripts within the dell-csi-helm-installer directory.


  • Upstream Kubernetes versions 1.17, 1.18 or 1.19 or OpenShift versions 4.3, 4.4

  • Snapshot CRDs and snapshot controller installed in cluster

    If your Kubernetes distribution does not bundle the snapshot controller, you may manually install these components by executing the following steps

    git clone https://github.com/kubernetes-csi/external-snapshotter/
    cd ./external-snapshotter
    git checkout release-2.1
    kubectl create -f config/crd
    kubectl create -f deploy/kubernetes/snapshot-controller

    For general use, update the snapshot controller YAMLs with an appropriate namespace prior to installing. For example, on a Vanilla Kubernetes cluster update the namespace from 'default' to 'kube-system' prior to issuing the kubectl create command.

  • You can access your cluster with kubectl


  1. Run git clone https://github.com/dell/csi-powerstore.git to clone the git repository
  2. Ensure that you've created namespace where you want to install the driver. You can run kubectl create namespace csi-powerstore to create a new one
  3. Edit the helm/secret.yaml, point to correct namespace and replace the values for the username and password parameters. These values can be obtained using base64 encoding as described in the following example:
    echo -n "myusername" | base64
    echo -n "mypassword" | base64
    where myusername & mypassword are credentials that would be used for accessing PowerStore API
  4. Create the secret by running kubectl create -f helm/secret.yaml
  5. Copy the default values.yaml file cd dell-csi-helm-installer && cp ../helm/csi-powerstore/values.yaml ./my-powerstore-settings.yaml
  6. Edit the newly created file and provide values for the following parameters:
    • powerStoreApi: defines the full URL path to the PowerStore API
    • volumeNamePrefix: defines the string added to each volume that the CSI driver creates
    • nodeNamePrefix: defines the string added to each node that the CSI driver registers
    • nodeIDPath: defines a path to file with a unique identifier identifying the node in the Kubernetes cluster
    • connection.transportProtocol: defines which transport protocol to use (FC, ISCSI, None, or auto).
    • connection.nfs.enable: enables or disables NFS support
    • connection.nfs.nasServerName: points to the NAS server that would be used
  7. Install the driver using csi-install.sh bash script by running ./csi-install.sh --namespace csi-powerstore --values ./my-powerstore-settings.yaml

For more information on the installation scripts, consult the README.md

Using driver

To check if the driver is functioning correctly you can run simple tests from directory test/simple Product Guide provides descriptions of how to run these and explains how they work.

If you want to interact with the driver directly, you can use the Container Storage Client (csc) program provided via the GoCSI project:

$ go get github.com/rexray/gocsi
$ go install github.com/rexray/gocsi/csc

(This is only recommended for developers.)

Then, have csc use the same CSI_ENDPOINT, and you can issue commands to the driver. Some examples...

Get the driver's supported versions and driver info:

$ ./csc -v 0.1.0 -e csi.sock identity plugin-info

Capable operational modes

The CSI spec defines a set of AccessModes that a volume can have. The CSI Driver for Dell EMC PowerStore supports the following modes for volumes that will be mounted as a filesystem:

// Can only be published once as read/write on a single node,
// at any given time.

// Can only be published once as readonly on a single node,
// at any given time.

This means that volumes can be mounted to either single node at a time, with read-write or read-only permission, or can be mounted on multiple nodes, but all must be read-only.

For volumes that are used as raw block devices or NFS volumes, the following are supported:

// Can only be published as read/write on a single node, at
// any given time.

// Can be published as read/write at multiple nodes
// simultaneously.

This means that giving a workload read-only access to a block device is not supported.

In general, block volumes should be formatted with xfs or ext4.