Go Koans Solution

Taking the path to enlightenment in Go programming language.

This time am running the tests in the Docker VM sandbox.

To run this using Docker:

  1. Install Docker for your OS.
  2. Verify that Docker is installed by running docker --version in terminal.
  3. Install VirtualBox if you dont already have it.
  4. Setup the docker machine using the following
$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox golang
$ eval $(docker-machine env golang)
$ docker pull library/golang:1.6.0-alpine
  • Navigate to the folder where you've clone this repository and run
$ docker run --rm -ti -v "$PWD":/usr/src/koans -w /usr/src/koans golang:1.6.0-alpine /bin/sh
  • Once you're in the VM's prompt, run go test and work through the cases.

Thanks original go-koans for getting me started with this.