
An electronic message gateway that supports protocol standard including ebMS and AS2.

Primary LanguageJava

This is the Maven version of H2O which i did when i was working in CECID in 2009-2010. It is under GNU General Public License (GPL v2).

* Run maven build *
1. Checkout the git repo
  - git clone git@github.com:ykyuen/maven-h2o.git
2. Install required 3rd party libraries to mvn repository
  - mvn clean
3. Go to the project root directory and run
  - mvn install
4. There will be 3 built folders under maven-h2o/target/
  - embedded_h2o
    * This is the portable version of h2o which is run with jetty and hsql.
  - h2o_installer
    * This is the h2o installer.
  - local_installer
    * This is the h2o which can be run by the maven-jetty-plugin. After the build, go to maven-h2o/corvus and run mvn jetty:run.
5. You can decide what to build in maven-h2o/pom.xml under <!-- Build Selection -->

* Skip the test case *
The following command skips the test cases when building the h2o.
  - mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true install