
Joomla plugin - get vistor information (ip, countery etc.)

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Joomla plugin - get vistor information (ip, countery etc.)

The plugin is based on geoplugin service (www.geoplugin.com)


$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
$customerInfo = $dispatcher->trigger( 'onGetVisitorInfo' )[0];

$customerInfo - store the visitor information, with the following attributes:

$customerInfo['ip']					- Visitor IP address
$customerInfo['city']				- City
$customerInfo['region']				- Region
$customerInfo['areaCode']			- Area Code
$customerInfo['dmaCode']			- DMA Code
$customerInfo['countryCode']		- Country Code: 2-Letter ISO 3166 Country Code -> www.geoplugin.com/iso3166
$customerInfo['countryName']		- Country Name
$customerInfo['continentCode']		- Continent Code: 2-Letter Continent Code
$customerInfo['latitude']			- Latitude
$customerInfo['longitude']			- Longitude
$customerInfo['currencyCode']		- Currency Code: 3-Letter Currency Code - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217
$customerInfo['currencySymbol']		- HTML Currency Symbol
$customerInfo['currencyConverter']	- Currency Exchange Rate