Examples and exercises in Torch for the Deep Learning course at NYU
- 01buiWashington DC, USA
- 5H5KN5
- ashwinpnNew York University - Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences.
- daisukekagerou
- Darcymilos
- derekblairVancouver, Canada
- esafakArchipelago AI
- gautam1411Dell-EMC
- JT5DThe IMC Lab + Gallery
- Lily57Paris
- mibresslerTUM, Chair for Law and Security of Digital Transformation @tum-elaw
- mro15Rio Negrinho
- nd1511European Space Agency (ESA)
- qiaohaijunBeijing,China
- ransbymich@groq
- theauheralGoldman Sachs
- TornikeMzhavia
- twistedmove
- zhanif3
- zwaloo