
SwiftUI Pokedex Challenge Requirements and Resources


Create a Pokedex feature inside the BYU mobile app using SwiftUI.

Note: Use iOS 14 for the minimum target to take advantage of .onChange() and @StateObject


  • Create new branch off of dev
  • Create Storyboard and UIHostingController to get to initial SwiftUI view
    • Create an initial SwiftUI view
      import SwiftUI
      struct SwiftUIView: View {
          var body: some View {
              Text("Hello, World!")
      • Create a storyboard and place a "HostingViewController" in it
      • Create a class like the one below that inherits from UIHostingController
      import Foundation
      import SwiftUI
      class UIHostingViewController: UIHostingController<SwiftUIView> {
         required init?(coder: NSCoder){
             super.init(coder: coder, rootView: SwiftUIView())
      • Assign the above class to the storyboard HostingViewController
  • Display all Pokemon from Pokemon API in a list
  • Display an individual Pokemon in a detailed view
    • display the pokemons name
    • display the pokemon's image
    • display the pokemon's abilities
    • display the pokemon's types
    • use a detail view model to handle the client calls to get Pokemon details and other operations done in your detailed view

Mentioned Resources: