
A major challenge involving pollution detection is to measure the average PM2.5 concentration over major metropolitan areas. One useful method for predicting PM2.5 over a relatively wide range are AOD measurements. Ensemble algorithms are more effective than linear algorithms for prediction. Pandas and scikit-learn were used for data analysis.

Primary LanguagePython

Comparing Ensemble and Linear Methods for Predicting PM2.5 Levels from AOD Data

A major challenge involving pollution detection is to measure the average PM2.5 concentration over major metropolitan areas. One useful method for predicting PM2.5 over a relatively wide range are AOD measurements. Ensemble algorithms are more effective than linear algorithms for prediction. Pandas and scikit-learn were used for data analysis.


Use the package manager pip to install scikit-learn before running.

pip3 install -U scikit-learn


On line 13 of aodvspm25.py, add the folder names with the requested geographic locations for AOD and PM2.5 data.

python3 aodvspm25.py


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