
60,000 Icelandic words transcribed in International Phonetic Alphabet

⚠️ Deprecated: Please use the iceprondict dataset instead of this dataset.

Icelandic pronunciation dataset

License: CC BY-SA 3.0

This is the Pronunciation Dictionary for Icelandic by the Hjal project & Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson (released under CC BY 3.0) with some changes.

Includes: 60,000 Icelandic words transcribed in the standardized Icelandic version of the International Phonetic Alphabet.

Changes include: Removal of regional variatiants, removal of "duplicates" when words are spelled the same but have different pronunciations ("halli" vs. "Halli"), fixes regarding [kʰ], [cʰ], [tʰ], and [pʰ] missing aspirations, several standardizations such as [œy] to [œi], [ɔu] to [ou].

Known issues: Several words that are supposed to include [kʰ], [cʰ], [tʰ], and [pʰ] in the middle are missing the aspirations – "umhverfi" [ʏmkʰvɛrvɪ] may for example be incorrectly written as [ʏmkvɛrvɪ]. Regional variants and heterophones aren't included.

Further reading