
A FCN based blemish detection for AR/VR production lines' AOI (automated optical inspection)

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains an example of an FCN implementation based on Tensorflow 2.X

Below is an example of a dust-screening result based on FCN2s image


Install packages from requirements.txt

$ pip3 install -r ./packages/requirements.txt

How to use

Folder structure

├── dataset
│   ├── FCN_500_imageset                # raw images of dataset, it's ok to rename the folder as you wish, remember to modify the data path in config.py
│   └── FCN_500_refine_txx              # 2-D txt labels, it's ok to rename the folder as you wish, remember to modify the data path in config.py
├── validation_data                     # input images for evaluation
├── validation_result                   # evaluation result
├── logs
│   └── fit                             # tensorbaord logs directory
├── packages
│   └── requirements.txt
├── config.py
├── data_generator_multi_path_crop.py
├── model.py
├── train.py
└── validation.py


Setup configuration

Specify your own data set and training paramenter in config.py

_CFG.TRAIN.IMG_SIZE           = (224,224)
_CFG.TRAIN.EPOCHS             = 60  
_CFG.TRAIN.FCN_TYPE           = 2    
_CFG.TRAIN.N_CLASSES          = 2 
_CFG.TRAIN.OPTIMIZER          = 0 # 0: Adelta, 1: Adam 
_CFG.TRAIN.DATASET            = ['./dataset/FCN_500_imageset', './dataset/FCN_imageset'] 
_CFG.TRAIN.LABELSET           = ['./dataset/FCN_500_refine_txt', './dataset/FCN_refine_txt'] 


  • DATASET and LABELSET support list of input images
  • labels are 2D array recorded in text files, each class is denoted as corresponding value

Train your model


Dataset can be stored in wherever you want, the py supports multiple paths input, which means you are allowed to input multiple dataset stored in different paths. Just to be careful that all data and label have to be set as the same order. In this example, I put a demo image in ./dataset/FCN_500_imageset, and the corresponding label is stored in ./dataset/FCN_500_refine_txt

So in this case, config file should be set as:

_CFG.TRAIN.DATASET            = ['./dataset/FCN_500_imageset']
_CFG.TRAIN.LABELSET           = ['./dataset/FCN_500_refine_txt']

Please refer to ./dataset for details on how to setup your own dataset

Start your own training set

simply input below command in the directory

$ python3 train.py

6725/6725 [==============================] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.0131 - accuracy: 0.9964     
Epoch 00001: saving model to FCN2s.h5
6725/6725 [==============================] - 16032s 2s/step - loss: 0.0131 - accuracy: 0.9964
Epoch 2/60
6725/6725 [==============================] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.0062 - accuracy: 0.9980     
Epoch 00002: saving model to FCN2s.h5
Epoch 60/60
6725/6725 [==============================] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.0023 - accuracy: 0.9992     
Epoch 00060: saving model to FCN2s.h5

The model is saved as FCN[n]s.h5 in the root folder, where n = FCN_TYPE

Trace your training progress with Tensorboard

train.py sets updating frequency of Tensorboard's callback as 30 steps, you can adjust it as you want by modifying below code. Note that the more frequent the callback is triggered, the slower training rate you get.

tensorboard_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir=log_dir, 
                                                      update_freq = 30)

In the root directory, activate tensorboard by below command

$ tensorboard --logdir="./logs/fit"

Lauch a browser and type http://localhost:6006/ in URL, then check the visualized trainging progress image

Evaluate your own model

Setup configuration

Specify your own data set and training paramenter in config.py

_CFG.EVAL.USE_CPU             = True          # if you want to evaluate tentative result in midst of the training process, set this parameter as True.
                                              # otherwise, set this value as False to use GPU instead
_CFG.EVAL.INPUT_SIZE          = 320
_CFG.EVAL.FCN_TYPE            = 2             # FCN_TYPE has to be set as 2, 4, or 8 and should be the same as configuration for training
_CFG.EVAL.N_CLASSES           = 2 
_CFG.EVAL.THRESHOLD           = 0.5
_CFG.EVAL.MAX_BATCH_SIZE      = 2             # in validation.py, an input image is sliced into small fragments and zipped into batch
                                              # adjust this parameter based on your GPU RAM
                                              # i.e., I used GTX1660 Ti, 6GB GRAM, FCN2s with first layer = (224,224,3), this parameter
                                              # can be up to 20

Evaluate the model

Put your data in ./validation_data and evaluate the result by typing the command as follows

$ python3 validation.py

evaluation result will be saved in ./validation_result