
(Continuation of PartI)



27: Create a fxn that will receive an array of numbers as argument and will return a new array with distinct elements.
28: Calculate the sum of the first 100 prime numbers and return them in array.
29: Print the distance between the first 100 prime numbers.
30: Create a fxn that will add two positive numbers of indefinite size. The numbers are received as strings and the result should be also provided as a string.
31: Create a fxn that will return the number of words in a text.
32: Create a fxn that will capitalize the first letter of each word in a text.
33: Calculate the sum of numbers received in a comma delimited string.
34: Create a fxn that returns an array with words inside a text.
35: Create a fxn to convert a CSV text to a "bi-dimensional" array.
36: Create a fxn that converts a string to an array of characters.
37: Create a fxn that will convert a string in an array containing the ASCII codes of each character.
38: Create a fxn that will convert an array containing ASCII codes in a string.
39: Implement the Caesar cypher.
40: Implement the bubble sort algorithm for an array of numbers.
41: Create a fxn that calculates the distance between two points defined by x, y coordinates.
42: Create a fxn that will return a Boolean value indicating if two circles defined by center coordinates and radius are intersection.
43: Create a fxn that will receive a bi-dimensional array as argument and a number and will extract as a unidimensional array the column specified by the number.
44: Create a fxn that will convert a string containing a binary number into a number.
45: Create a fxn to calculate the sum of all the numbers in a jagged array (contains numbers or other arrays of numbers on an unlimited number of levels).
46: Find the max number in a jagged array or array of numbers.
47: Deep copy a jagged array with numbers or other arrays in new array.
48: Create a fxn to return the longest word in a string.
49: Shuffle an array of strings.
50: Create a fxn that will receive n as an argument and return an array of n random numbers from 1 to n. The numbers should be unique inside the array.
51: Find the frequency of letters inside a string. Return the result as an array of arrays. Each subarray has 2 elements: letter and number of occurrences.
52: Calculate Fibonacci(500) with high precision (all digits).
53: Calculate 70! with high precision (all digits).