
Read a GTFS Realtime feed from stdin, print human-readable or as JSON.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


Read a GTFS Realtime (GTFS-RT) feed from stdin, print human-readable or as JSON.

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npm install -g print-gtfs-rt-cli

Or use npx. ✨


    cat gtfs-rt-feed.pbf | print-gtfs-rt
    --length-prefixed  -l  Read input as length-prefixed.
                           See https://www.npmjs.com/package/length-prefixed-stream
    --json             -j  Output newline-delimeted JSON (http://ndjson.org).
    --single-json -s       Output a single JSON array.
    --depth            -d  Number of nested levels to print. Default: infinite
    --include-all      -a  Print the entire FeedMessage, including its header.
    --gtfs-rt-bindings     Path to GTFS-RT bindings. Must be compatible with
                           those generated by protobufjs.
    curl 'https://example.org/gtfs-rt.pbf' | print-gtfs-rt


If you have a question or have difficulties using print-gtfs-rt-cli, please double-check your code and setup first. If you think you have found a bug or want to propose a feature, refer to the issues page.

Example feed

The example feed is taken from the Swiss open GTFS-RT feed, licensed under their open data license.