
Blazor Outlook Calendar is the a Blazor WebAssembly Client-Side application to manage your events synced with Microsoft Outlook Calendar using Microsoft Graph API

Primary LanguageHTML

Welcome to Blazor Outlook Calendar!

With the power of WebAssembly that lets you run C# code in the browser, Blazor Outlook Calendar comes to show you the results of that power while building Single Page Applications very smoothly and easily with .NET and C# our favorite programming language.

Blazor Outlook Calendar is a Single Page Application built with C# as a demo and a full course on my YouTube Channel 'AK Academy' you can find it here

Full Course on AK Academy Channel

It's a Calendar and events application that is synced and integrated with Microsoft Outlook Calendar using Microsoft Graph API. It's teaches you how to render and create a Calendar component from scratch and more

The Main App UI for authenticated users

App UI for not authenticated users

What you will learn

  • Developing Client Side Web Apps with Blazor WebAssembly.
  • Authenticating users with Microsoft Azure Active Directory.
  • Fetching and adding data to Microsoft 365 with Microsoft Graph API.
  • Learn how to design and develop a Calendar control from scratch.
  • Learn how you manipulate the DOM in Blazor WebAssembly.
  • Design a full web page from scratch with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and the Microsoft Design Language (Fluent UI).
  • Implement communication between Blazor Web App components.
  • Manage the states of the components within the Blazor WebAssembly app.

How to make this app works

  • Clone this repository locally to your machine.
  • Make sure you have the latest version of .NET Core 3.1, you can find it here
  • Sign in to your Microsoft Azure account or create a new free account.
  • Go to your Azure Active Directory then AppRegistrations
  • Click on create a new registration
  • Call the app what ever you want
  • Set the account type to Multi-Tenant (Microsoft Personal Accoutns)
  • In the Redirect URI section: Choose Single Page Application and set the URI to https://locahost:5001/authentication/login-callback
  • Click Register
  • Copy the Application Id that appears in the overview section and paste it within the AppSettings.json file in the wwwroot folder inside the BlazorCalendar project.
  • Back to your Azure application go to the Authentication page from the left side menu within your app.
  • Go to Implicit grant section and check Access Token and ID Tokens and save the changes
  • Go to API Permissions page from the left side menu.
  • Add Permissions then Microsoft Graph and Add Calendars.ReadWrite permission.
  • Go back to your project folder and open the cmd then the run the command dotnet run. And ready to go.

Enjoy the course and hope you get all the benefits within your journey in Blazor WebAssembly