
Primary LanguageJavaScript

YADL (Your Activities of Daily Living)

Repository for the server of YADL (Your Activities of Daily Living), the small data lab@Cornell Tech

Main Files

index.html: Main HTML file.

customJS/adl.js: Main Javascript file.

customCSS/adl.css: Main CSS file.

adl_backend/: All the backend code written in PHP.

Workflow of Client-Server Communication

Step 1: Client randomly creates a client_id and send a POST to adl_backend/init.php

In this step, server will register the client_id and any subsequent POST packet should contain this field to be considered as authorized and valid.

Step 2: Ohmage Authorization.

After user click Ohmage Signin Button, client sends a GET packet to adl_backend/auth_callback.php that will redirect the user to Ohmage. After this process is success, the user will be redirected to index.html.

Step 3: Client Image Pulling.

Each time that user wants to pull an image from server, the client should make the following POST packet to adl_backend/img_query.php:

choice: "0"(Easy) OR "1"(Medium) OR "2"(Hard) -Based on current user selection

img: current image index (1 to N)

img_src: image source file (url)

client_id: client_id

Step 4: Server Feedback.

For each POST packet to adl_backend/img_query.php, the server will make the following feedback JSON to client:

previous_image_src: last acitivity image that user encountered

image_number: next image index (1 to N)

image_src: next image url

total_image_number: total number of images that user is supposed to encounter

hard_list: hard activity images that user has selected untill now