
Sequential batch normalization for LSTM written in Tensorflow

Primary LanguagePython


Sequential batch normalization for LSTM written in Tensorflow. Implemented according to Cooijmans T, Ballas N, Laurent C, et al. Recurrent Batch Normalization, arXiv:1603.09025.

In LSTMCell class, set bn to 1/2/3 to open batch normalization. Default is bn=0. Set bn=1 only apply batch norm on WX, bn=2 to apply batch norm on both WX and Wh, bn=3 to apply batch norm on WX, Wh and c.

Be careful - set bn larger than 1 might be extremely slow in deep LSTM models!


import tensorflow as tf
from tf_lstm import LSTMCell

Just simply replace tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell with LSTMCell

deterministic = tf.Variable(False, name='deterministic) # when training, set to False; when testing, set to True

lstm = LSTMCell(n_hidden, use_peepholes=True, bn=1, deterministic=deterministic) # level-1 batch norm
initial_state = lstm.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32)
output, _states = tf.nn.rnn(lstm, input, initial_state=initial_state)

# training

# when testing, set deterministic to True
session.run(tf.assign(deterministic, True))
# testing