Whiskr is a site inspired by Flickr to unite the internet’s legions of cat lovers and their photos.
Whiskrians can upload pictures of their lovely, furry friends and share them with the other millions of cat lovers around the world!
- AWS S3 -- for photo storage
- MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React and Node)
- React hooks
- Apollo
- GraphQL
- Docker
User can create an account or sign in to the site via the login page.
Photo Index offers the users a collection of photos with easy access to the photographer's photostream and the photo show page modal and comments. Photo index includes infinite scroll.
Users open the modal show page by clicking on the picture: this action displays the image in a larger format, and the photo’s information is displayed on hover.
Explore offers users the most recent photos in the site or the most trendy. The user can explore the page by clicking on the pictures and visiting the album for that photo. Explore also includes infinite scroll.
The following code uses a useState React hook to implement a carousel photo display.
const [activeIndex, setIndex] = useState();
const {loading, error, data} = useQuery(FETCH_ALBUM_FROM_PHOTO, {
variables: { _id: props.match.params.id }
if (loading) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;
if (error) {
return <div>Error!</div>;
let {albums } = data.photo;
let album = albums[albums.length - 1];
let start = album.photos.findIndex(obj => obj._id === props.match.params.id);
if(activeIndex === undefined){
Fetching all the photos of our site is time and space consuming, this is why we created a function to help with a gradual fetching to achieve infinite scroll functionality.
useEffect(function() {
if (data) {
window.onscroll = debounce(() => {
if (document.body.clientHeight - window.scrollY < 3000) {
window.onscroll = null;
variables: { limit: photoBatch, offset: data.photos.length },
updateQuery: (prev, { fetchMoreResult }) => {
if (!fetchMoreResult) return prev;
return Object.assign({}, prev, {
photos: [...prev.photos, ...fetchMoreResult.photos]
}, 200);
return () => window.onscroll = null;
GraphQL mutation for upload.
export const UPLOAD_FILE_STREAM = gql `
mutation SingleUploadStream($file: Upload!) {
singleUploadStream(file: $file) {