
Repository for the Fake Information Model Handling Part of my Master Thesis

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

FID-Model-Handling (Calculations and Experiments)


This is the repository for the master thesis 'Automated Identification of Information Disorder in Social Media from Multimodal Data'. With the help of NetIdee successfully implemented.

This is the second repository of the master thesis. Its main purpose is the model experiment part. The other repositories are:


  • This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL v3) - see the GPL.txt file for details.
  • This document is distributed under CC-BY-Sharelike-3.0 AT

Installation Instructions

Virtual Environment

python3 -m venv ./venv

source venv/bin/activate

pip install --upgrade pip

pip3 install jupyter

pip3 install tensorflow-gpu==2.3.0

pip3 install pandas

pip3 install bert-for-tf2

pip3 install scikit-learn

pip3 install telegram_send
# Configure telegram_send for retrieving status information about training according to: 
[Documentation about telegram send](https://pypi.org/project/telegram-send/) 

Directory Structure

├── final_models.py
├── gpl.txt
├── models
│   └── best_models
│       ├── single_meta
│       │   └── weights-improvement-100-0.62.hdf5
│       ├── single_text_comments
│       │   └── weights-improvement-03-0.87.hdf5
│       ├── single_text_title
│       │   └── weights-improvement-02-0.88.hdf5
│       └── single_visual
│           └── weights-improvement-02-0.81.hdf5
├── multi_cased_L-12_H-768_A-12
│   ├── bert_config.json
│   ├── bert_model.ckpt.data-00000-of-00001
│   ├── bert_model.ckpt.index
│   ├── bert_model.ckpt.meta
│   └── vocab.txt
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt
├── text_sequence_analysis.ipynb
├── training_comments_bert_preset.ipynb
├── training_comments_image_preset.ipynb
├── training_image_inceptionv3_preset.ipynb
├── training_image_ResNet101V2_preset.ipynb
├── training_image_resnet_50v2_preset.ipynb
├── training_meta_image_preset.ipynb
├── training_meta_preset.ipynb
├── training_text_bert_preset.ipynb
├── training_text_comments_meta_preset.ipynb
├── training_text_comments_visual_meta_preset.ipynb
├── training_text_image_preset.ipynb
├── training_text_title_comments_meta_preset.ipynb
├── training_text_title_comments_preset.ipynb
├── training_text_title_comments_visual_meta_Add_preset.ipynb
├── training_text_title_comments_visual_meta_Maximum_preset.ipynb
├── training_text_title_comments_visual_meta_preset_bakk.ipynb
├── training_text_title_comments_visual_meta_preset.ipynb
├── training_text_title_comments_visual_preset_Add.ipynb
├── training_text_title_comments_visual_preset.ipynb
├── training_text_title_comments_visual_preset_Maximum.ipynb
├── training_text_title_meta_preset.ipynb
├── training_text_title_visual_meta_preset.ipynb
├── utils
│   ├── callbacks
│   │   ├── callbackUtils.py
│   │   ├── MyCallbacks.py
│   │   ├── MyTelegramCallBack.py
│   │   ├── MyTimeHistoryCallback.py
│   ├── datagenUtils
│   │   ├── datagenUtils.py
│   │   ├── DataSeqMetaModel.py
│   │   ├── DataSeqOneModel_Image.py
│   │   ├── DataSeqThreeModels_text_image_meta_old.py
│   │   ├── DateGenThreeModels.py
│   │   ├── dual_modal
│   │   │   ├── DataSeqImageTitle.py
│   │   │   ├── DataSeqMetaVisual.py
│   │   │   ├── DataSeqTitleComments.py
│   │   │   ├── DataSeqTitleMeta.py
│   │   ├── four_modal
│   │   │   ├── DataSeqFourModels.py
│   │   ├── three_modal
│   │   │   ├── DataSeqTitleCommentsMeta.py
│   │   │   ├── DataSeqTitleCommentsVisual.py
│   │   │   ├── DataSequenceImageCommentsMeta.py
│   │   │   ├── DataSequenceImageTextMeta.py
│   │   └── Untitled.ipynb
│   ├── fileDirUtils
│   │   ├── fileDirUtils.py
│   ├── image_models.py
│   ├── models
│   │   ├── modelUtils.py
│   ├── telegramUtils
│   │   └── telegram_bot.py
│   ├── text_processing.py
│   └── textUtils
│       ├── commentsProcessing.py
│       └── textpreprocessing.py
├── venv

Download Google BERT Base Model

Please see Readme Google Bert Models for further information about the BERT Models.

For this repository please download: Download BERT Model