
Final project for my CS class

Primary LanguagePython

Ozone Simulation

For the final project for my Intro CS class at Harvey Mudd College, I used vPython to simulate the destruction of Ozone in the atmosphere. Initially, Chloroflorocarbons (CFCs, multicolored), which were formerly used as refrigirants, rise into the atmosphere. A CFC molecule may attach to a cloud, where it will break up and emit dichlorine (green). If the dichlorine is struck by an ultraviolet ray from the sun, it will break up into two chlorine radicals. Chlorine radicals can consume Ozone (yellow), which prevent ultraviolet radiation from reaching the earth! The one solution that scientists could come up with: lasers. Move the laser with the up and down keys and fire it with j to incinerate the CFC before it reaches the stratosphere! Link to the game: http://www.glowscript.org/#/user/jmaltsman/folder/MyPrograms/program/ozonesim