
Code for efficiently sampling functions from GP(flow) posteriors

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Companion code for Efficiently Sampling Functions from Gaussian Process Posteriors. This software has been provided on an "as is" basis and depends heavily upon GPflow.


git clone https://github.com/j-wilson/GPflowSampling
cd GPflowSampling
pip install -e .

To install the dependencies needed to run examples, use pip install -e .[examples].


Location-scale-based sampling is implemented for scalar output <gpflow.model.GPR> and <gpflow.model.SVGP>.

from gpflow_sampling.samplers import location_scale
model = gpflow.model.GPR(...)
sampler = location_scale(model, model.kernel, sample_shape=[...], full_cov=True)

Random Fourier features are currently available for Matérn kernels, e.g. <Matern52> and <SquaredExponential>.

from gpflow_sampling.utils import RandomFourierBasis
kernel = gpflow.kernels.Matern52()
rff = RandomFourierBasis(kernel, num_basis=1024)

Naïve Fourier-feature-based sampling is provided for <gpflow.model.GPR>.

from gpflow_sampling.samplers import finite_fourier
model = gpflow.model.GPR(...)
sampler = finite_fourier(model, model.kernel, sample_shape=[...], num_basis=5000)

Decouple sampling is supported for <gpflow.model.GPR> and <gpflow.model.SVGP>. Additional coverage is provided for some simple multi-output kernels.

from gpflow_sampling.samplers import decoupled
kernel = gpflow.kernels.LinearCoregionalization(...)
model = gpflow.model.SVGP(kernel=kernel, ...)
sampler = decoupled(model, model.kernel, sample_shape=[...], num_basis=500)


As a running example, assume that model is multioutput GP accepting 3-dimensional inputs and predicting 2-dimensional function values. For <decoupled> and <finite_fourier> samplers, the following tips apply:

  • The third-to-last axis axis=-3 acts as a batch axis for sample paths:
    sampler = decoupled(model, model.kernel, sample_shape=[32], num_basis=500
    from_2d = sampler(inputs=tf.random.uniform([100, 3]))  # 32x100x2, broadcasted evaluation
    from_3d = sampler(inputs=tf.random.uniform([32, 100, 3]))  # 32x100x2, pathwise evaluation
  • We recommend use of custom mean functions, since GPflow's standard options do not broadcast --- which will cause pathwise evaluations like that of from_3d (above) to fail.
  • sampler.reset_random_variables(reset_basis=True) can be used to resample paths without recreating <tf.Variable>. This is useful when model may have changed (see examples/training_via_sampling.ipynb).
  • When generating samples in batches, typically use sampler.reset_random_variables(reset_basis=False):
    a = []  # draws from a Gaussian distribution
    b = []  # draws from a Gaussian mixture
    x = tf.random.uniform([100, 3])
    for _ in range(10):
        a.append(sampler_a(x))  # drawn from the same Gaussian 
        b.append(sampler_b(x))  # drawn from a new Gaussian

Citing Us

If our work helps you in a way that you feel warrants reference, please cite the following paper:

    title={Efficiently sampling functions from Gaussian process posteriors},
    author={James T. Wilson
            and Viacheslav Borovitskiy
            and Alexander Terenin
            and Peter Mostowsky
            and Marc Peter Deisenroth},
    booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},