
Point Vision Pipeline Framework

Primary LanguageC++

Point Vision Pipeline Framework

The project structure is provided below:

├── bin/                                # Folder for built application binary
│   └── point_vision_pipeline_framework # Built application executable
├── cmake/                              # 
│   └── module/                         # Used to find dependencies.
├── build/                              # Build artifacts for build and tests.
│   ├── coverage                        # Artifact of coverage reports
│   ├── system_test                     # Build artifacts for system tests
│   └── unit_test                       # Build artifacts for unit tests
├── include/                            # Include header files.
│   ├── core                            # Include library from core.
│   └── pvpf                            # Header files from pvpf.
├── src/                                # Folder for all source files
│   ├── config/                         # source files related to configuration
│   └── main.cpp                        # Main entry of the application
├── system_test/                        # System test folder for all system tests
│   ├── test_images/                    # images for system tests.
│   └── CMakeLists.txt                  # Compile script for unit tests
├── unit_test/                          # Unit test folder for all system tests
│   ├── test_images/                    # images for system tests.
│   └── CMakeLists.txt                  # Compile script for unit tests
├── coverage.sh                         # Generate coverage report script
├── mcov.sh                             # Generate coverage report for human script
├── msystem_test.sh                     # System test script
├── munit_test.sh                       # Unit test script
└── CMakeLists.txt                      # Main compile script


This project was built and tested on the Mac OS X platform with the following dependencies:

  • CMake >= 3.10
  • Boost >= 1.66
  • TBB >= 4.4
  • CUDA >= 7.6.31
  • Rapidjson >= 1.1.0


Do as you would any CMake project to compile:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


Run application:

cd bin

Run unit test suite:

./munit_test.sh --run_test <test_suite>/<test_case>

Run system test suite:

./msystem_test.sh --run_test <test_suite>/<test_case>

Generate coverage report

