
Yocto/GL: Tiny C++ Library for Physically-based Graphics

Primary LanguageC++

Yocto/GL: Tiny C++ Library for Physically-based Graphics

Yocto/GL is a collection utiliies for building physically-based graphics algorithms implemented as a two-file library (yocto_gl.h, yocto_gl.cpp), and released under the MIT license. Features include:

  • convenience math functions for graphics
  • static length vectors for 2, 3, 4 length and int and float type
  • static length matrices for 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 and float type
  • static length rigid transforms (frames), specialized for 2d and 3d space
  • linear algebra operations and transforms
  • axis aligned bounding boxes
  • rays and ray-primitive intersection
  • point-primitive distance and overlap tests
  • normal and tangent computation for meshes and lines
  • generation of tesselated meshes
  • mesh refinement with linear tesselation and Catmull-Cark subdivision
  • random number generation via PCG32
  • simple image data structure and a few image operations
  • simple scene format
  • generation of image examples
  • generation of scene examples
  • procedural sun and sky HDR
  • procedural Perlin noise
  • BVH for intersection and closest point query
  • Python-like iterators, string, path and container operations
  • utilities to load and save entire text and binary files
  • immediate mode command line parser
  • simple logger and thread pool
  • path tracer supporting surfaces and hairs, GGX and MIS
  • support for loading and saving Wavefront OBJ and Khronos glTF
  • support for loading Bezier curves from SVG
  • OpenGL utilities to manage textures, buffers and prograrms
  • OpenGL shader for image viewing and GGX microfacet and hair rendering

The current version is 0.1.0. You can access the previous multi-file version with tag "v0.0.1" in this repository.


This library includes code from the PCG random number generator, the LLVM thread pool, boost hash_combine, Pixar multijittered sampling, code from "Real-Time Collision Detection" by Christer Ericson, base64 encode/decode by René Nyffenegger and public domain code from github.com/sgorsten/linalg, gist.github.com/badboy/6267743 and github.com/nothings/stb_perlin.h.

This library imports many symbols from std for three reasons: avoid verbosity , esnuring better conventions when calling math functions and allowing easy overriding of std containers if desired. Just do not flatten this namespace into yours if this is a concern.

For most components of the library, the use should be relatively easy to understand if you are familiar with 3d computer graphics. For more complex components, we follow the usage below.

Design Considerations

Yocto/GL tries to follow a simple programming model inspired by C but with heavy use of operator overloading for math readability. We attempt tp make the code weasy to use rather than as performant as possible. The APIs attempt to make using the code as little error prone as possible, sometimes at the price of some slowdown. We adopt a functional style and only rarely use classes and methods. Using a function style makes the code easier to extend, more explicit in the requirements, and easier to write parallel-friendly APIs. I guess you could call this "data-driven programming". We use templates very little now, after a major refactoring, to improve error reporting, reduce compilation times and make the codebase more accessible to beginners. This lead to a small increase in copied code that we deem ok at this time. Finally, we often import symbols from the standard library rather than using the std::name pattern. We found that this improves consistency, especially when using math functions, is significantly more readable when using templates and allows to to more easily switch STL implementation if desired.


Yocto/GL is written in C++14, with compilation supported on C++11, and compiles on OSX (clang from Xcode 9+), Linux (gcc 6+, clang 4+) and Windows (MSVC 2017).

For image loading and saving, Yocto/GL depends on stb_image.h, stb_image_write.h, stb_image_resize.h and tinyexr.h. These features can be disabled by defining YGL_IMAGEIO to 0 before including this file. If these features are useful, then the implementation files need to included in the manner described by the respective libraries. To simplify builds, we provice a file that builds these libraries, stb_image.cpp.

To support Khronos glTF, Yocto/GL depends on json.hpp. This feature can be disabled by defining YGL_GLTF to 0 before including this file.

To support SVG, Yocto/GL depends on nanosvg.h. This feature can be disabled by defining YGL_SVG to 0 before including this file.

OpenGL utilities include the OpenGL libaries, use GLEW on Windows/Linux, GLFW for windows handling and Dear ImGui for UI support. Since OpenGL is quite onerous and hard to link, its support is disabled by default. You can enable it by defining YGL_OPENGL to 1 before including this file. If you use any of the OpenGL calls, make sure to properly link to the OpenGL libraries on your system. For ImGUI, build with the libraries imgui.cpp, imgui_draw.cpp, imgui_impl_glfw_gl3.cpp.

Example Applications

You can see Yocto/GL in action in the following applications written to test the library:

  • yview.cpp: simple OpenGL viewer for OBJ and glTF scenes
  • ytrace.cpp: offline path-tracer
  • yitrace.cpp.cpp: interactive path-tracer
  • yscnproc.cpp: scene manipulation and conversion to/from OBJ and glTF
  • ytestgen.cpp: creates test cases for the path tracer and GL viewer
  • yimview.cpp: HDR/PNG/JPG image viewer with exposure/gamma tone mapping
  • yimproc.cpp: offline image manipulation.

You can build the example applications using CMake with mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; cmake --build

Here are two images rendered with the buildin path tracer, where the scenes are crated with the test generator.




To use the library simply include this file and setup the compilation option as described above. All library features are documented at the definition and should be relatively easy to use if you are familiar with writing graphics code. You can find the extracted documentation at yocto_gl.md. Here we give an overview of some of the main features.

Small Vectors and Matrices, Frames, Bounding Boxes and Transforms

We provide common operations for small vectors and matrices typically used in graphics. In particular, we support 2-4 dimensional float vectors vec2f, vec3f, vec4f, 2-4 dimensional int vectors vec2i, vec3i, vec4i and a 4 dimensional byte vector vec4b. The float vectors support most arithmetic and vector operations.

We support 2-4 dimensional float matrices mat2f, mat3f, mat4f, with matrix-matrix and matrix-vector products, trasposes and inverses. Matrices are stored in column-major ordered and are accessed and constructed by column.

To represent transformations, most of the library facilities prefer the use cooordinate frames, aka rigid transforms, represented as frame3f. The structure store three coodinate axis and the frame origin. This is equivalenent to a rigid transform written as a column-major affine matrix. Transform operations are better behaved with this representation.

We represent coordinate bounds with axis-aligned bounding boxes in 1-4 dimensions: bbox1f, bbox2f, bbox3f, bbox4f. These types support expansion operation, union and containment. We provide operations to compute bounds for points, lines, triangles and quads.

For all basic types we support iteration with begin()/end() pairs and stream inout and output.

For both matrices and frames we support transform operations for points, vectors and directions (trasform_point(), trasform_vector(), trasform_direction()). For frames we also the support inverse operations (transform_xxx_inverse()). Transform matrices and frames can be constructed from basic translation, rotation and scaling, e.g. with translation_mat4f() or translation_frame3f() repsectively, etc. For rotation we support axis-angle and quaternions, with slerp.

Random Number Generation, Noise, Hashing and Monte Carlo support

This library supportds many facitlities helpful in writing sampling functions targeting path tracing and shape generations.

  1. Random number generation with PCG32:
    1. initialize the random number generator with init_rng()
    2. advance the random number state with advance_rng()
    3. if necessary, you can reseed the rng with seed_rng()
    4. generate random integers in an interval with next_rand1i()
    5. generate random floats and double in the [0,1) range with next_rand1f(), next_rand2f(), next_rand3f(), next_rand1d()
    6. you can skip random numbers with advance_rng() and get the skipped length with rng_distance()
    7. generate random shaffled sequences with rng_shuffle()
  2. Perlin noise: perlin_noise() to generate Perlin noise with optional wrapping, with fractal variations perlin_ridge_noise(), perlin_fbm_noise(), perlin_turbulence_noise()
  3. Integer hashing: public domain hash functions for integer values as hash_permute(), hash_uint32(), hash_uint64(), hash_uint64_32() and hash_combine().
  4. Monte Carlo support: warp functions from [0,1)^k domains to domains commonly used in path tracing. In particular, use sample_hemisphere(), sample_sphere(), sample_hemisphere_cosine(), sample_hemisphere_cospower(). sample_disk(). sample_cylinder(). sample_triangle(). For each warp, you can compute the PDF with sample_xxx_pdf().

Python-like container operations and iterators

To make the code more readable, we adopt Python-like iterations and container operations extensively throughout Yocto/GL. These operations are mostly for internal use but could also be used externally.

  1. Python iterators with range() and enumerate()
  2. Python operators for containers: support for + and += for std::vector
  3. Check for containment with contains similarly to in in Python

Shape Utilities

The library contains a few function to help with typically geometry manipulation useful to support scene viewing and path tracing.

  1. compute line tangents, and triangle and quad areas and normals
  2. compute barycentric interpolation with eval_barycentric_line(), eval_barycentric_triangle() and eval_barycentric_quad()
  3. evaluate Bezier curve and derivatives with eval_bezier_cubic() and eval_bezier_cubic_derivative()
  4. compute smooth normals and tangents with compute_normals()
  5. compute tangent frames from texture coordinates with compute_tangent_space()
  6. compute skinning with compute_skinning() and compute_matrix_skinning()
  7. shape creation with make_points(), make_lines(), make_uvgrid()
  8. element merging with marge_elems()
  9. facet elements with facet_elems()
  10. shape sampling with sample_points(), sample_lines(), sample_triangles(); initialize the sampling CDFs with sample_points_cdf(), sample_lines_cdf(), sample_triangles_cdf()
  11. samnple a could of point over a surface with sample_triangles_points()
  12. get edges and boundaries with get_edges() and get_boundary_edges()
  13. convert quads to triangles with convert_quads_to_triangles()
  14. convert face varying to vertex shared representations with convert_face_varying()
  15. subdivide elements by edge splits with subdivide_elems_linear() and subdivide_vert_linear()
  16. Catmull-Clark subdivision surface with subdivide_vert_catmullclark() with support for edge and vertex creasing
  17. subdvide Bezier with subdivide_bezier_recursive() and subdivide_vert_bezier()
  18. example shapes: make_cube(), make_uvsphere(), make_uvhemisphere(), make_uvquad(), make_uvcube(), make_fvcube(), make_hair(), make_suzanne()

Image and color

We support simple containers for either 4-byte per pixel sRGB images image4b, or 4-float per pixel HDR images image4f.

  1. convert between byte and float images with srgb_to_linear() and linear_to_srgb()
  2. color conversion with hsv_to_rgb(), xyz_to_rgb() and rgb_to_xyz()
  3. exposure-gamma tonemapping, with optional filmic curve, with tonemap_image()
  4. compositing support with image_over()
  5. example image generation with m,ake_grid_image(), make_checker_image(), make_bumpdimple_image(), make_ramp_image(), make_gammaramp_image(), make_gammaramp_imagef(), make_uv_image(), make_uvgrid_image(), make_recuvgrid_image()
  6. bump to normal mapping with bump_to_normal_map()
  7. HDR sun-sky with m ake_sunsky_image()
  8. various noise images with make_noise_image(), make_fbm_image(), make_ridge_image(), make_turbulence_image()
  9. image loading and saving with load_image4b(), load_image4f(), save_image4b(), save_image4f()
  10. image resizing with resize_image()

Ray Intersection and Point Overlap Queries

We support ray-scene intersection for points, lines and triangles accelerated by a simple BVH data structure. Our BVH is written for minimal code and not maximum speed, but still gives reasonable results. We suggest the use of Intel's Embree as a fast alternative.

  1. use ray3f to represent rays
  2. build the BVH with build_points_bvh(), build_points_bvh() or build_points_bvh()
  3. perform ray-element intersection with intersect_points_bvh(), intersect_lines_bvh() and intersect_triangles_bvh()
  4. perform point overlap queries with overlap_points_bvh(), overlap_lines_bvh() and overlap_triangles_bvh()
  5. to support custom elements, use buid_bvh(), intersect_bvh() and overlap_bvh() and provide them with proper callbacks
  6. we also experimentally support quads with the xxx_quads_xxx() functions

Simple scene

We support a simple scene model used to quickly write demos that lets you load/save Wavefront OBJ and Khronos glTF and perform several simple scene manipulation including ray-scene intersection and closest point queries.

The geometry model is comprised of a set of shapes, which are indexed collections of points, lines, triangles and quads. Each shape may contain only one element type. Shapes are organized into a scene by creating shape instances, each its own transform. Materials are specified like in glTF and include emission, base-metallic and diffuse-specular parametrization, normal, occlusion and displacement mapping. Finally, the scene containes caemras and environement maps. Quad support in shapes is experimental and mostly supported for loading and saving.

For low-level access to OBJ/glTF formats, you are best accssing the formats directly with Yocto/Obj and Yocto/glTF. This components provides a simplified high-level access to each format which is sufficient for most applications and tuned for quick creating viewers, renderers and simulators.

  1. load a scene with load_scene() and save it with save_scene().
  2. add missing data with add_elements()
  3. use compute_bounds() to compute element bounds
  4. can merge scene together with merge_into()
  5. make example scenes with make_test_scene()

Ray-intersection and closet-point routines supporting points, lines and triangles accelerated by a two-level bounding volume hierarchy (BVH). Quad support is experimental.

  1. build the bvh with build_bvh()
  2. perform ray-interseciton tests with intersect_ray()
    • use early_exit=false if you want to know the closest hit point
    • use early_exit=false if you only need to know whether there is a hit
    • for points and lines, a radius is required
    • for triangles, the radius is ignored
  3. perform point overlap tests with overlap_point() to check whether a point overlaps with an element within a maximum distance
    • use early_exit as above
    • for all primitives, a radius is used if defined, but should be very small compared to the size of the primitive since the radius overlap is approximate
  4. perform instance overlap queries with overlap_instance_bounds()
  5. use refit_bvh() to recompute the bvh bounds if transforms or vertices are changed (you should rebuild the bvh for large changes)

Notes: Quads are internally handled as a pair of two triangles v0,v1,v3 and v2,v3,v1, with the u/v coordinates of the second triangle corrected as 1-u and 1-v to produce a quad parametrization where u and v go from 0 to 1. This is equivalent to Intel's Embree.


We supply a path tracer implementation with support for textured mesh lights, GGX/Phong materials, environment mapping. The interface supports progressive parallel execution. The path tracer takes as input a scene and update pixels in image with traced samples. We use a straightfoward path tracer with MIS and also a few simpler shaders for debugging or quick image generation.

Materials are represented as sums of an emission term, a diffuse term and a specular microfacet term (GGX or Phong). Only opaque for now. We pick a proper material type for each shape element type (points, lines, triangles).

Lights are defined as any shape with a material emission term. Additionally one can also add environment maps. But even if you can, you might want to add a large triangle mesh with inward normals instead. The latter is more general (you can even more an arbitrary shape sun). For now only the first env is used.

  1. build the ray-tracing acceleration structure with build_bvh()
  2. prepare lights for rendering update_lights()
  3. define rendering params with the trace_params structure
  4. render blocks of samples with trace_block()

The code can also run in fully asynchronous mode to preview images in a window.

  1. build the ray-tracing acceleration structure with build_bvh()
  2. prepare lights for rendering update_lights()
  3. define rendering params with the trace_params structure
  4. initialize the prograssive rendering buffers
  5. start the progressive renderer with trace_async_start()
  6. stop the progressive renderer with trace_async_stop()

Wavefront OBJ

Wavefront OBJ/MTL loader and writer with support for points, lines, triangles and general polygons and all materials properties. Contains also a few extensions to easily create demos such as per-vertex color and radius, cameras, environment maps and instances. Can use either a low-level OBJ representation, from this files, or a high level flattened representation included in Yocto/Scn.

Both in reading and writing, OBJ has no clear convention on the orientation of textures Y axis. So in many cases textures appears flipped. To handle that, use the option to flip textures coordinates on either saving or loading. By default texture coordinates are flipped since this seems the convention found on test cases collected on the web. The value Tr has similar problems, since its relation to opacity is software specific. Again we let the user chose the convension and set the default to the one found on the web.

In the high level interface, shapes are indexed meshes and are described by arrays of vertex indices for points/lines/triangles and arrays for vertex positions, normals, texcoords, color and radius. The latter two as extensions. Since OBJ is a complex formats that does not match well with current GPU rendering / path tracing algorithms, we adopt a simplification similar to other single file libraries:

  1. vertex indices are unique, as in OpenGL and al standard indexed triangle meshes data structures, and not OBJ triplets; YOCTO_OBJ ensures that no vertex dusplication happens thought for same triplets

  2. we split shapes on changes to groups and materials, instead of keeping per-face group/material data; this makes the data usable right away in a GPU viewer; this is not a major limitation if we accept the previous point that already changes shapes topology.

  3. load a obj data with load_obj(); can load also textues

  4. look at the obj_XXX data structures for access to individual elements

  5. use obj back to disk with save_obj(); can also save textures

  6. use get_shape() to get a flattened shape version that contains only triangles, lines or points

Khronos glTF

Khronos GLTF loader and writer for Khronos glTF format. Supports all the glTF spec and the Khronos extensions. All parsing and writing code is autogenerated form the schema. Supports glTF version 2.0 and the following extensions: KHR_binary_glTF and KHR_specular_glossiness.

This component depends on json.hpp and, for image loading and saving, it depends on stb_image.h, stb_image_write.h, stb_image_resize.h and tinyexr.h. This feature can be disabled as before.

The library provides a low level interface that is a direct C++ translation of the glTF schemas and should be used if one wants complete control over the fromat or an application wants to have their own scene code added. A higher-level interface is provided by the scene or by yocto_gltf.h.

glTF is a very complex file format and was designed mainly with untyped languages in mind. We attempt to match the glTF low-level interface to C++ as best as it can. Since the code is generated from the schema, we follow glTF naming conventions and typing quite well. To simplify adoption and keep the API relatively simple we use vector as arrays and use pointers to reference to all glTF objects. While this makes it less effcient than it might have been, glTF heavy use of optional values makes this necessary. At the same time, we do not keep track of set/unset values for basic types (int, float, bool) as a compromise for efficieny.

glTF uses integer indices to access objects. While writing code ourselves we found that we add signiicant problems since we would use an index to access the wriong type of scene objects. For this reasons, we use an explit index glTFid<T> that can only access an object of type T. Internally this is just the same old glTF index. But this can used to access the scene data with glTF::get<T>(index).

  1. load a glTF model with load_gltf()
  2. look at the glTFXXX data structures for access to individual elements
  3. save glTF back to disk with save_gltf()

OpenGL support

We include a set of utilities to draw on screen with OpenGL 3.3, manage windows with GLFW and draw immediate-mode widgets with ImGui.

  1. texture and buffer objects with gl_texture and gl_buffer
    • create textures/buffers with appropriate constructors
    • check validity wiht is_valid()
    • update textures/buffers with update() functions
    • delete textures/buffers with clear()
    • bind/unbind textures/buffers with bind()/unbind()
    • draw elements with gl_buffer::draw_elems()
  2. program objects with gl_program
    • program creation with constructor
    • check validity wiht is_valid()
    • delete with clear()
    • uniforms with set_program_uniform()
    • vertex attrib with set_program_vertattr()
    • draw elements with gl_buffer::draw_elems()
  3. image viewing with gl_stdimage_program, with support for tone mapping.
  4. draw surfaces and hair with GGX/Kayjia-Kay with gl_stdsurface_program
    • initialize the program with constructor
    • check validity wiht is_valid()
    • start/end each frame with begin_frame(), end_frame()
    • define lights with set_lights()
    • start/end each shape with begin_shape(), end_shape()
    • define material Parameters with set_material()
    • define vertices with set_vert()
    • draw elements with draw_elems()
  5. draw yocto scenes using the above shader
    • initialize the rendering state with init_stdprogram_state()
    • load/update meshes and textures with update_stdprogram_state()
    • setup draw params using a gl_stdsurface_params struct
    • draw scene with draw_stdprogram_scene()
  6. also includes other utlities for quick OpenGL hacking
  7. GLFW window with gl_window
    • create with constructor
    • delete with clear()
    • set callbacks with set_callbacks()
    • includes carious utiliies to query window, mouse and keyboard
  8. immediate mode widgets using ImGui
    • init with init_widget()
    • use the various widget calls to draw the widget and handle events

Other Utilities

We include additional utilities for writing command line applications and manipulating files.

  1. Python-like string opeations: startswith(), endswith(), contains(), splitlines(), partition(), split(), splitlines(), strip(), rstrip(), lstrip(), join(), lower(), upper(), isspace(), replace()
  2. Path-like path operations: path_dirname(), path_extension(), path_basename(), path_filename(), replace_path_extension(), prepend_path_extension(), split_path()
  3. Python-like format strings (only support for position arguments and no formatting commands): format(), print()
  4. load/save entire files: load_binfile(), load_txtfile(), save_binfile() and save_binfile()
  5. simple logger with support for console and file streams:
    1. create a logger
    2. add more streams with add_console_stream() or add_file_stream()
    3. write log messages with log_msg() and its variants
    4. you can also use a global default logger with the free functions log_XXX()
  6. thead pool for concurrent execution (waiting the standard to catch up):
    1. either create a thread_pool or use the global one
    2. run tasks in parallel parallel_for()
    3. run tasks asynchronously async()
  7. timer for simple access to std::chrono:
    1. create a timer
    2. start and stop the clock with start() and stop()
    3. get time with elapsed_time()

Command Line Parsing

The library includes a simple command line parser that parses commands in immediate mode, i.e. when an option is declared. The parser supports options and unnamed arguments with generic types parsed using C++ stream. The parser autogenerates its own documentation. This allows to write complex command lines with a tiny amount of implementation code on both the library and user end.

  1. create a cmdline parser object by passing argc, argv, name, help
    • an option for printing help is automatically added
  2. for each option, parse it calling the functions parse_opt()
    • options are parsed on the fly and a comprehensive help is automatically generated
    • supports bool (flags), int, float, double, string, enums
    • options names are "--longname" for longname and "-s" for short
    • command line format is "--longname value", "-s v" for all but flags
    • values are parsed with iostream << operators
    • for general use opt = parse_opt<type>()
    • for boolean flags is parse_flag()
    • for enums use parse_opte()
  3. for each unnamed argument, parse it calling the functions parse_arg()
    • names are only used for help
    • supports types as above
    • for general use arg = parse_arg<type>()
    • to parse all remaining values use args = parse_arga<type>(...)
  4. end cmdline parsing with check_parsing() to check for unsued values, missing arguments
  5. to check for error use should_exit() and to print the message use get_message()
  6. since arguments are parsed immediately, one can easily implement subcommands by just branching the command line code based on a read argument without any need for complex syntax


Here we mark only major features added to the library. Small refactorings and bug fixes are reported here.

  • v 0.2.0: various bug fixes and improvement to OpenGL drawing and widgets
  • v 0.1.0: initial release after refactoring