
NDArray based on WebGPU

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

gpu-array.js: NDArray on WebGPU


This repository is under development, and might not work.

This JavaScript PoC code provides NDArray (aka. multidimensional array) based on WebGPU.


Only limited browsers and environments support WebGPU. cf. WebGPU API - MDN

1. Example Usage

import { createGPU } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/ymd-h/gpu-array-js/gpu-array.js";

// 1. Create GPU. (Throw Error, if WebGPU is not available)
const gpu = await createGPU();

// 2. Create NDArray
const a = gpu.Array({ shape: [2, 2] });
const b = gpu.Array({ shape: [2, 2] });

// 3. Set Data
a.set(1, 0, 0); // Set 1 at (0, 0)
a.set(1, 1, 1); // Set 1 at (1, 1)

b.set(2, 0, 1); // Set 2 at (0, 1)
b.set(3, 1, 1); // Set 3 at (1, 1)

// 4. Execute Calculation.
// (If data is updated, automatically send to GPU)
const c = gpu.add(a, b); // c = a + b

// Optional: You can send data manually.
// a.send();

// 5. Get Data
// (If gpu data is updated, automatically load from GPU)
console.log(await c.get(0, 0));
console.log(await c.get(0, 1));
console.log(await c.get(1, 0));
console.log(await c.get(1, 1));

// Optional: You can load data manually.
// await c.load();
// console.log(c.get_without_load(0, 0));
// console.log(c.get_without_load(0, 1));
// console.log(c.get_without_load(1, 0));
// console.log(c.get_without_load(1, 1));

2. API

2.1 Types

  • @typedef {Object} AdapterOptions
    • @property {"low-power" | "high-performance" | "undefined"} powerPreference
  • @typedef {Object} DeviceOptions
    • @property {{label: string} | undefined} defaultQueue
    • @property {string?} label
    • @property {string[] | undefined} requiredFeatures
    • @property {Object.<string, *>} requiredLimits
  • @typedef {Object} GPUOptions
    • @property {AdapterOptions?} adapter
    • @property {DeviceOptions?} device
  • @typedef {"i32" | "u32" | "f16" | "f32"} DType
  • @typedef {Object} ArrayOptions
    • @property {number | number[] | undefined} shape
    • @property {Dtype?} dtype
    • @property {number | number[] | undefined} strides
  • @typedef {Object} RangeOptions
    • @property {number?} start
    • @property {number} stop
    • @property {number?} step
  • @typedef {Object} PRNGOptions
    • @property {number | bigint | undefined} seed
    • @property {number?} size

2.2 Exported (Free) Function

  • createGPU(options: GPUOptions?): Promise<GPUBackend>

2.3 Array Creation

  • GPUBackend.Array(options: ArrayOptions?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.ones(options: ArrayOptions?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.full(value: number, options: ArrayOptions?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.arange(range: RangeOptions, options: ArrayOptions?): NDArray

2.4 Array Method

  • NDArray.get(...index: number[]): Promise<number>
  • NDArray.get_without_load(...index: number[]): number
  • NDArray.set(value: number | number[] | TypedArray, ...index: number[]): undefined
  • NDArray.load(): Promise<undefined>
  • NDArray.send(): undefined

2.5 Predefined Functions

2.5.1 Element-wise (Support Broadcast)

  • GPUBackend.add(lhs: NDArray | number, rhs: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.sub(lhs: NDArray | number, rhs: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.mul(lhs: NDArray | number, rhs: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.div(lhs: NDArray | number, rhs: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.abs(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.acos(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.acosh(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.asin(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.asinh(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.atan(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.atanh(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.atan2(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.ceil(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.clamp(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.cos(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.cosh(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.exp(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.exp2(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.floor(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.log(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.log2(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.sign(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.sin(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.sinh(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.sqrt(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.tan(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.tanh(arg: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.max(arg0: NDArray | number, arg1: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.min(arg0: NDArray | number, arg1: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.pow(arg0: NDArray | number, arg1: NDArray | number, out: NDArray?): NDArray

2.5.2 Reduction

  • GPUBackend.sum(arg: NDArray): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.prod(arg: NDArray): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.minimum(arg: NDArray): NDArray
  • GPUBackend.maximum(arg: NDArray): NDArray

2.6 Custom Element-wise Function for WGSL Built-in Function

We don't predefine all the WGSL built-in functions, but you can still use them.

cf. WGSL Numeric Built-in Functions

  • GPUBackend._func1(f: string, arg: NDArray, out: NDArray?): NDArray
  • GPUBackend._func2(f: string, arg0: NDArray, arg1: NDArray, out: NDArray?): NDArray

f is a built-in function name.

2.7 Custom Function from Scratch


This API is not user friendly, nor intended to use.

  • GPUBackend.createShader(code: string): GPUShaderModule
  • GPUBackend.execute(shader: GPUShaderModule, specs: {array: NDArray, mode: "read-only" | "write-only" | "read-write"}[], dispatch: number[]): undefined

dispatch are number of GPU workgroups of X, Y, Z. 1 <= dispatch.length <= 3.

2.8 Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG)

  • GPUBackend.Xoshiro128pp(options: PRNGOptions?): Xoshiro128pp
  • Xoshiro128pp.next(dtype: "u32" | "f32"): NDArray
  • Xoshiro128pp.normal(dtype: "f32" | "f16"): NDArray

3. Design

3.1 Template-based Shader

In my previous work, shader management was one of the biggest problems. Here, we try to implement type agnostic compute shaders in shader.js. Types are passed as arguments. Moreover, similar computations (e.g. a + b and a - b, etc.) are generated from single template.

3.2 Update Tracking

CPU-side and GPU-side data updates are tracked with .cpu_dirty and .gpu_dirty properties of NDArray. Only when the data are updated send() / load() methods acutually copy data.

4. Limitations

A lot of features are still missing;

  • Linear Algebra (e.g. Matrix Multiplication)

The size of data must be multiple of 4 bytes, so that "f16" NDArray must have even elements.

5. Dependencies

6. Notes

"f16" is supported only when GPU supports it. Inside createGPU() function, we check its supported features, and automatically add "shader-f16" to requiredFeatures if possible.