
Deep Learning Implementation

Primary LanguageC++


Deep Learning Library

1 Requirement

  • ymd_util
  • C++20 compiler for ymd_util/MNIST.hh
    • std::endian
  • C++17 compiler
    • structured bindings
    • fold expression

2 Simple Usage

See hello_MNIST.cc

  1. Include “DL_core.hh” (and other headers)
  2. Create Network by “>>” operator
    • auto DL = ymd::InputLayer<double>{5} >> ymd::ReLU{10} >> ymd::SoftMax_CrossEntropy{5};
  3. Back Propagete by “<<” operator
    • DL << std::make_tuple(data,label)
  4. Update
    • DL.Update(eps,L1,L2)

3 Next Step

See hello_polynomial.cc

  • Spliting Train Test data ymd::split_train_test
    • You can take return values by structured binding
      auto [train_X,train_y,test_X,test_y] = ymd::split_train_test(X,y,0.7);
  • Adaptive gradient manager with suitable shape can be made by NeuralNet::MakeAdaptive
  • Shuffle data set and mini-batch operation can be achieved with range adaptors
     for(auto&& Batch:
    	ymd::zip(train_data,train_label) |
    	ymd::adaptor::shuffle_view{} |
       for(auto&& DataLabel: Batch){ DL << DataLabel; }

4 Note

  • Multiple Back Propagation without Update sum up gradients.
  • Weight Initialization
    • He Normalization (before ReLU)
    • Glorot Normalization (before Sigmoid, Identity_SquareError, and SoftMax_CrossEntropy)
  • Only Adam is implemented as Adaptive Gradient Update
  • No GPU acceleration

5 Archtecture and Implement Techniques

5.1 Class Archtecture


NeuralNet class has NonOutputLayer and OutputLayer. Theses layer classes are stored with std::tuple<...> and managed by static polymorphism.

NonOutputLayer class has Layer class and WeightBias class. Since the back propagation of weights and biases require activated values as well as propagated gradient from the next layer, These 2 classes are managed together as NonOutputLayer class.

5.2 API Design

In order to make API simple and recognizable as much as possible, we use operator overload.

5.2.1 Network creation

auto DL = ymd::InputLayer<double>{5} >> ymd::ReLU{10} >> ymd::SoftMax_CrossEntropy{5};

To aboid typing the value type (double in above) multiple time, the helper classes of defining layer (e.g. ymd::ReLU) does not have information of the value type, and in the overloaded operator >> the information is extracted from already created NeuralNet class or the initial ymd::InputLayer.

5.2.2 Back Propagation

The operator << looks like backward operation, so that I decided to use for back propagation. Since the back propagation requires both data and label, std::tuple<Data,Label> are used.

DL << std::make_tuple(data,label);

The std::make_tuple can be removed by using ymd::zip for data iteration. (See hello_polynomial.cc)

for(auto&& DataLabel: ymd::zip(data,label)){
  DL << DataLabel;

5.3 structured binding

In C++, the all functions can return only a single value. Traditionally, we pass the argument by reference and update the value, however, from C++11, std::tuple can wrap multiple values with different types and simulate mutiple returning with std::make_tuple. The returned value can be accepted with std::tie which makes a tuple of references to its argument values.

auto F(double a,int b){ return std::make_tuple(a,b); }

int main(){
  double a;
  int b;

  std::tie(a,b) = F(0.5,2);

Unfortunately, this requires declaration of values beforehand. Moreover, we cannot deduce type by auto.

Structured binding (from C++17) can solve this inconvenience.

auto [a,b] = F(0.5,2);

5.4 Static Polymorphism

In usual dynamic polymorphism, pointers to classes derived from a interface class are managed with unified way. This can be achived by virtual function, whose address is recorded in vtable in class instances and refered every time the function is called. This dynamic runtime method cannot be optimized by any compiler.

By using std::tuple (from C++11), parameter pack (from C++11), generic labmda (from C++14), folding expression (from C++17), and so on, different classes with same name members can be treated like dynamic polymorphism.

5.4.1 Apply function for all values in std::tuple<...>

Since values in std::tuple have different types, we cannot access them with access operator [].

Here we achive with std::apply (from C++17), folding expression (C++17) and generic lambda (from C++14). There are some examples from DL_core.hh.

Feed forward with operator >>.

friend auto operator>>(layer_type input,NeuralNet<Layers...>& nn){
  return std::apply([&](auto&&...l){ return (input >> ... >> l); },nn.layers);

Back propagete with operator <<.

auto operator<<(layer_type real){
  std::apply([&](auto&&...l){ (l << ... << real); },layers);

Call the update member function and sum up the return values.

void Update(value_type eps,value_type L1,value_type L2){
  std::apply([=](auto&...l){ (... + l.update(eps,L1,L2)); },layers);

The std::apply passes the values in std::tuple to function as arguments. Even though type and size of values are unknown, generic lambda with variadic template parameter ([](auto...v){ }) can take and all the values packed in the parameter. The packed parameters are unpacked with the operator ... like followings:

  1. comma separated in function, constructor, and template argument
    • f(v...) -> f(v1,v2,v3,...).
  2. Sequential binary operation (fold expression)
    • (... + v) -> (((v1 + v2) + v3) + ...)
    • (v + ...) -> (... + (v3 + (v4 + v5)))
    • (init + ... + v) -> ((((init + v1) + v2) + v3) + ...)
    • (v + ... + init) -> (... + (v3 + (v4 + (v5 + init))))

5.5 TMP (template meta-programming) with SFINAE (substitution failuer is not an error)

C# generics must run with all the possible type, however, C++ template does not have to. In C++, when a template is failed to instantiate, the template is simply removed overloaded function set without error.

The type_traits header (from C++11) has many useful template classes such as std::enable_if, std::common_type, std::is_same and so on. (XXX_t classes and XXX_v classes are helper classes with are same with XXX::type and XXX::value respectively. (from C++14))

Here is an exapmle from DL_core.hh.

template<typename Adaptive,
					  value_type>,std::nullptr_t> = nullptr>
auto Update(Adaptive& a,value_type L1,value_type L2){
  return ymd::zip_for_each([=](auto&& l,auto&& a_){ return l.update(a_,L1,L2); },

void Update(value_type eps,value_type L1,value_type L2){
  std::apply([=](auto&...l){ (... + l.update(eps,L1,L2)); },layers);

Because of back compatibility, when adaptive update is implemented, the original argument value_type eps must be accepted.

When you call DL.Update(0.01,0.0,0.0), the upper candidate template fails to instantiate because the deduced second template parameter, std::enable_if_t<false> is not implemented (Only std::enable_if_t<true> is implemented).

5.5.1 std::enable_if<bool,std::nullptr_t> = nullptr idiom (for expert)

The second template parameter of the std::enable_if is std::enable_if::type and the type of std::enable_if::value. We set std::nullptr_t, which is the type of nullptr, which prevent users to set some temlate parameter without intention. (We assume there are very rare case that users pass nullptr to template.)

There is a similar idiom named enabler idiom as follows:

extern void* enabler;

template<typename T,
	 typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type*& = enabler>
void f(T t){ }

6 Test Environment

  • Mac OS X 10.13.6
  • g++ (MacPorts gcc8 8.2.0_0) 8.2.0
  • g++ -O3 -march=native -Wa,-q -fdiagnostics-color=auto -std=c++2a

7 Future ToDo

7.1 Convolutional Network and Batch Normalization

Replacing WeightBias class, which manage affine conversion and its back propagation, can achieve convolutional network and batch normalization in terms of class architecture.

In terms of implementation, there are some design choices:

  • Make NonOutputLayer class template of weight and bias type (affine, convolutional, and batch normalization)
    Reduce implementation outside weight and bias.
    How to specify the template parameter in the simple API?
  • Make new class something like NonOutputConvolutionalLayer
    (Maybe) Does not need complicated TMP.
    Need to implement all the function in order to compatible with NonOutputLayer class.

7.2 Save and Load Parameters

Algorithms of serializing parameters and identifying the network shape are necessary.

7.3 SIMD or Parallel operation

In C++17, parallel algorithm were standardized in STL, however, both gcc and clang have not implemented yet. (VC++ did.)

Vectorize operation (SIMD) and parallel operation (multi thread) can be easily implemented as follows:

std::for_each(std::execution::par_unseq,v.begin(),v.end(),[](auto& v){ v *= 2; })

The first argument is execution policy to allow parallel and/or vectorize operation. Many functions in <algorithm>, <numeric>, and <memory> will be overloeaded parallel version.