• Problems faced:
    • One of the problem i faced was understanding what all IPC_TYPES and IPC_CMDs are present.

      For IPC_CMDS i grepped the sof includes in the kernel using CMD as the search item and i found that there were four results. I used those four as possible values for IPC_CMD. (these were present in include/sound/sof/control.h)

      Same was the case with IPC_TYPES, i wasn’t sure what all types to consider. I took component runtime config types.

      But, i feel this shouldn’t pose a problem as we can always extend the character array with appropriate types.

      This was the part i was unsure of.

  • Instructions to run:

    ./parser datafile.txt

    • I have included 4 data files which i used while debugging my program.
      • data_0entries.txt: contains no entries
      • data_1invalid.txt: contains 1 invalid data line, it should be detected while filtering.
      • data_4invalid.txt: contains 4 invalid data lines, they should be detected while filtering.
      • data_invalid.txt: contains an invalid input, (Like having only 2 of 3 (i.e 2 of IPC_CMD, IPC_TYPE, IPC_SIZE)). This type of inputs are ignored and inputs after this one are parsed.
  • I have checked for memory leaks with valgrind command:

    `valgrind –leak-check=full –show-leak-kings=all ./parser datafile.txt’

    All the allocated blocks were freed and there were no memory leaks.

  • Sample output:
