Task 4 Machine learning:

input_data: data we take from the available zip file that we have to treat

results: results from the different runs

input_params: directory where we store the json dictionaries for the main program

logs: log directory 

archives: archive directory for tensorboard

######When opening the euler cluster########
module load python
module load python/3.7.1

before running "bsub make all_run" or "make submit" (equivalent) ALWAYS do make all_run locally to ensure absence of bug

if it complains because not enough memory==> drop rbf

always check with make all_run in live that it compiles!

########Euler commands######
bsub -W 10:32 make all_run
allows to submit a job which will take approx 10:32, executing the command "make all_run". WATCH OUT FOR THE CURRENT DIRECTORY!

bjobs ==> list the jobs

bkill +JobID (the job id is given by bjobs)

bbjobs (more readable bjobs)