
GUI audio visualizer developed in C++ utilizing version 0.11.2 of OpenFrameWorks.

Primary LanguageC++

Creative Audio Visualizer

C++ Ver OF Ver

Creative audio visualizer written in C++ using the OpenFrameWorks library.


Controls and Features

Keys Actions
P Plays and pauses the currently selected song.
1-4 Changes the audio visualizer mode display mode.
=/- Raises and lowers the volume respectively.
D/F Cycles through the various songs available.
A Pauses and freezes the visualizer.
R Records any key that's input. Press again to to stop recording.
T If keys have been recorded, replays them in the recorded order.
K If keys have been recorded, replays them in random order.

Downloading and running

After downloading and extracting bin.rar from the releases page, double click on the exectuable to run the program.