
Just Avoid Robust Inaccuracy: Boosting Robustness Without Sacrificing Accuracy

Primary LanguagePython


This is the official codebase for the paper Just Avoid Robust Inaccuracy: Boosting Robustness Without Sacrificing Accuracy.

Table of Contents

  1. Project Structure
  2. Installation
  3. Datasets
  4. Models
  5. Evaluation
  6. Plotting
  7. Training

Project Structure

├── robustabstain       # source code for robust abstain
│   ├── abstain         # abstain selectors
│   ├── ace             # code for loading, running and certifying ACE models
│   ├── analysis        # figures, plotting
│   ├── archs           # model architectures
│   ├── attacker        # adversarial attacks
│   ├── certify         # code for randomized smoothing
│   ├── data            # preprocessing and datasets (may need to be downloaded)
│   ├── eval            # code for evaluation
│   ├── loss            # losses
│   ├── models          # exported models, evluation reports, evluation logs
│   ├── notebooks       # jupyter notebooks
│   ├── scripts         # scripts to quicky train/plot/evaluate
│   ├── train           # code for training models
│   └── utils           # util code


IMPORTANT: the parent directory of this file needs to be called robust-abstain.

Setup the virtual environment.

virtualenv --system-site-packages --python /usr/bin/python3.8 robust-abstain
source ./robust-abstain/bin/activate
python -m pip install wheel
python -m pip install -e .
cd ..

Install additional requirements for certifying ACE models.

git clone https://github.com/KaidiXu/auto_LiRPA
cd auto_LiRPA
python setup.py install

JupyterLab with plotly support

Some of the plots need plotly support for Jupyter notebooks.

pip install jupyterlab "ipywidgets>=7.5"
jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension

JupyterLab renderer support

jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-plotly@4.14.3

OPTIONAL: Jupyter widgets extension

jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager plotlywidget@4.14.3

Quick start

Training a model on a real dataset using our proposed abstain training method takes a considerable amount of time and compute power. We provide an easy to use, step-by-step notebook that trains a simple neural network using standard training, adversarial training via TRADES [3], and our proposed abstain training method for empirical robustness $L_{ERA}$.

The notebook can be found at robust-abstain/robustabstain/notebooks/synth_train_emprob.ipynb and produces the following plot, illustrating the different training methods.


We consider the following five datasets: CIFAR10, CIFAR100, Mapillary Traffic Sign Dataset (MTSD), rail defect dataset (SBB) and synthetic datasets (Synth).

CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 can be directly downloaded using PyTorch. The MTSD dataset needs to be downloaded from Mapillary (consider robust-abstain/robustabstain/data/README.md). The SBB dataset is proprietary. The Synth dataset is generated everytime the dataset is loaded.

For detailed instructions, consider robust-abstain/robustabstain/data/README.md.


The models in our work are located in:

├── ace                         # ACE models (Mueller et al.)
├── adv                         # adversarially trained models
├── augm                        # models trained via Gaussian noise augmentations
├── get_models.sh               # script to download models from RobustBench
├── get_robustbench_model.py    # get models from RobustBench
├── grevadv                     # models trained via Deep Gamblers inspired loss L_{DGA}
├── mrevadv                     # models trained via empirical abstain loss L_{ERA}
├── README.md
├── revcertrad                  # models trained via certified abstain loss L_{CRA}
└── std                         # standard trained models

We provided evaluation logs for each model, indicate robustness, accuracy, predicted class, etc. for each test sample. These evaluation logs allow us to run the plotting scripts without actually having access to pretrained weights.

NOTE: the model directories containing model logs also contain a dummy weight file *.pt. These files can be ignored, and must be replaced by a concrete weight file, if a model should be evaluated from scratch instead of from model logs.

Base Models

Several of our base models are taken from RobustBench, which are then finetuned using robust training and our abstain training. We provide an easy to use bash script that automatically downloads all required base models from RobustBench and exports them in the correct format to disk.

cd robustabstain
bash models/get_models.sh

Pretrained models

During our experiments, we trained a large amount of models with different hyperparameters. Naturally, we cannot release all of them. However, we do release a small subset of models trained with our proposed loss $L_{ERA}$ on the CIFAR-10 dataset, which allows to verify our results. Concretly, we release the following models:

  • TRADES [3] trained ResNet50 base model (pretrained for $\epsilon_\infty = 8/255$), which was finetuned for $\epsilon_\infty = 2/255$ perturbations using our proposed $L_{ERA}$ loss.
  • Carmon et al. [1] WideResNet-28-10 base model (pretrained for $\epsilon_\infty = 8/255$, taken from RobustBench), which was finetuned for $\epsilon_\infty = 2/255$ perturbations using our proposed $L_{ERA}$ loss.
  • Gowal et al. [4] WideResNet-28-10 base model (pretrained for $\epsilon_\infty = 8/255$, taken from RobustBench), which was finetuned for $\epsilon_\infty = 2/255$ perturbations using our proposed $L_{ERA}$ loss.

Additionally, we also release the CIFAR-10 standard trained WideResNet-40-10 model, which we used for our evaluations of compositional architectures. The standard trained model was taken from Zhao et al. [6], using the provided checkpoint.

The models can be downloaded using this link. The directory structure of the provided zip file follows the structure of the models/ directory, thus the pretrained models can simply be copied to the respective model directories.


Models can be evaluated using the robust-abstain/robustabstain/eval/run_*.py scripts. Consider the evaluation scripts in robust-abstain/robustabstain/scripts/eval and the README file robust-abstain/robustabstain/scripts/README.md. For each evaluation run, a report file and a log file are written to the directory of the exported model that is being evaluated. Running these evaluations requires exported models, however, we provide model log files that log all evaluations.

As an example, run the following command to evaluate the natural accuracy and adversarial accuracy for $l_{\infty}$ perturbations of radius 1/255, 2/255, 4/255. 8/255, 16/255, using APGD [2], for the CIFAR-10 model by Carmon et al. [1]:

cd robustabstain
python3 eval/run_solo.py \
    --dataset cifar10 \
    --eval-set test \
    --evals nat adv \
    --test-adv-attack apgd \
    --adv-norm Linf \
    --test-eps 1/255 2/255 4/255 8/255 16/255 \
    --model ./models/adv/cifar10/Linf/Carmon2019Unlabeled/Carmon2019Unlabeled.pt


Consider the plotting scripts in robust-abstain/robustabstain/scripts/plot and the README file robust-abstain/robustabstain/scripts/README.md.

In the following, we provide sample commands to recreate the plots from the paper, for the empirically robust Gowal et al. [4] base model. The commands evaluate robustness to the perturbation region $\epsilon_{\infty} = 1/255$ using APGD. The plots include the results from the trained empirical robustness indicator abstain models and the comparison to softmax response (SR) and selection network ACE [5].

  • Create robust inaccuracy vs. robust accuracy plots (Figures 2, 7): The following command evaluates both the model and the robustness indicator selector at the same test epsilon, i.e. $\epsilon_{\infty} = 1/255$. Recall from Section 5 of the paper that a empirical robustness indicator selector needs to be evaluated on double the perturbation region to guarantee robust selection. Thus, the plots produced by the following command are only relevant when the model is considered in isolation, i.e. without a empirical robustness indicator selector. Considering the paper, this is the case for Figures 2, 7. The relevant plots corresponding to Figures 2, 7 can be found in Gowal2020/branch_robacc_robinacc.*.
cd robustabstain
python3 analysis/plotting/plot_revadv.py \
    --dataset cifar10 \
    --eval-set $EVAL_SET \
    --adv-norm Linf \
    --train-eps 1/255 \
    --baseline-train-eps 8/255 \
    --ace-train-eps 2/255 \
    --test-eps 1/255 \
    --branch-nets C3_cifar10 \
    --gate-nets C3_cifar10 \
    --n-branches 1 \
    --gate-type net \
    --gate-threshold -0.0 \
    --baseline-model ./models/adv/cifar10/Linf/Gowal2020Uncovering_28_10_extra/Gowal2020Uncovering_28_10_extra.pt \
    --trunk-models ./models/std/cifar10/wrn4010_cifar10_std__20210919_2248/wrn4010_cifar10_std.pt \
    --branch-models \
        ./models/adv/cifar10/Linf/Gowal2020Uncovering_28_10_extra/Gowal2020Uncovering_28_10_extra.pt \
        ./models/adv/cifar10/Linf/Gowal2020Uncovering_28_10_extra_cifar10_trades1_255ft__20210524_1405/Gowal2020Uncovering_28_10_extra_cifar10_trades1_255.pt \
        ./models/adv/cifar10/Linf/Gowal2020Uncovering_28_10_extra_cifar10_autoaugment_trades1_255ft__20210615_1154/Gowal2020Uncovering_28_10_extra_cifar10_autoaugment_trades1_255.pt \
        ./models/ace/cifar10/Linf/ACE_Net_COLT_cert_2_255/C3_ACE_Net_COLT_cert_cifar10_2_255.pt \
        ./models/ace/cifar10/Linf/ACE_Net_IBP_cert_2_255/C3_ACE_Net_IBP_cert_cifar10_2_255.pt \
        ./models/mrevadv/cifar10/Linf/1_255/mra1_255__Gowal2020Uncovering_28_10_extra \
        ./models/mrevadv/cifar10/Linf/1_255/mra1_255_autoaugment__Gowal2020Uncovering_28_10_extra \
    --branch-model-id Gowal2020 \
    --ace-model-id Conv3 \

NOTE: this command will also create plots for empirical robustness indicator abstain models and empirical robustness indicator compositional models. However, these plots are not relevant since for these evaluations, the empirical robustness indicator selector needs to be evaluated to double the pertubation region.

  • Create plots for empirical robustness indicator abstain models (Figures 3, 8) and empirical robustness indicator compositional models (Figures 4, 9). The following commands evalutes the model robustness at $\epsilon_{\infty} = 1/255$, but the robustness indicator selector at $\epsilon_{\infty} = 2/255$. This is required to obtain the correct guarantees for robust selection by the empirical robustness indicator selector (cf. Section 5 in the paper). The relevant plots corresponding to Figures 3, 4, 8, 9 can then be found in Gowal2020_2x/ and comp2x_Gowal2020__... (compositional model plots).
python3 analysis/plotting/plot_revadv.py \
    --dataset cifar10 \
    --eval-set test \
    --adv-norm Linf \
    --train-eps 1/255 \
    --baseline-train-eps 8/255 \
    --ace-train-eps 2/255 \
    --test-eps 1/255 \
    --branch-nets C3_cifar10 \
    --gate-nets C3_cifar10 \
    --n-branches 1 \
    --gate-type net \
    --gate-threshold -0.0 \
    --baseline-model ./models/adv/cifar10/Linf/Gowal2020Uncovering_28_10_extra/Gowal2020Uncovering_28_10_extra.pt \
    --trunk-models ./models/std/cifar10/wrn4010_cifar10_std__20210919_2248/wrn4010_cifar10_std.pt \
    --branch-models \
        ./models/adv/cifar10/Linf/Gowal2020Uncovering_28_10_extra/Gowal2020Uncovering_28_10_extra.pt \
        ./models/adv/cifar10/Linf/Gowal2020Uncovering_28_10_extra_cifar10_trades2_255ft__20210529_1409/Gowal2020Uncovering_28_10_extra_cifar10_trades2_255.pt \
        ./models/adv/cifar10/Linf/Gowal2020Uncovering_28_10_extra_cifar10_autoaugment_trades2_255ft__20210616_1516/Gowal2020Uncovering_28_10_extra_cifar10_autoaugment_trades2_255.pt \
        ./models/ace/cifar10/Linf/ACE_Net_COLT_cert_2_255/C3_ACE_Net_COLT_cert_cifar10_2_255.pt \
        ./models/ace/cifar10/Linf/ACE_Net_IBP_cert_2_255/C3_ACE_Net_IBP_cert_cifar10_2_255.pt \
        ./models/mrevadv/cifar10/Linf/2_255/mra2_255__Gowal2020Uncovering_28_10_extra \
        ./models/mrevadv/cifar10/Linf/2_255/mra2_255_autoaugment__Gowal2020Uncovering_28_10_extra \
    --branch-model-id Gowal2020 \
    --ace-model-id Conv3 \
    --conf-baseline \


Training code is located in robust-abstain/robustabstain/train/ and corresponding training scripts in robust-abstain/robustabstain/scripts/train.

As an example, training the base model by Carmon et al. [1] (taken from RobustBench) using our proposed empirical robustness abstain loss $L_{ERA}$ on CIFAR-10 for $\epsilon_{\infty} = 2/255$ perturbations is done as follows:

cd robustabstain
python3 train/train_revadv.py \
    --dataset cifar10 \
    --eval-set test \
    --adv-attack pgd \
    --adv-norm Linf \
    --train-eps 2/255 \
    --test-eps 2/255 \
    --trunk-models ./models/std/cifar10/wrn4010_cifar10_std__20210919_2248/wrn4010_cifar10_std.pt \
    --branch-model ./models/adv/cifar10/Linf/Carmon2019Unlabeled/Carmon2019Unlabeled.pt \
    --running-checkpoint \
    --train-batch 200 \
    --val-freq 5 \
    --test-freq 5  \
    --epochs 50 \
    --lr 0.001 \
    --lr-sched trades \
    --revadv-loss mrevadv \
    --revadv-beta 1.0 \
    --revadv-beta-gamma 1.0


[1] Carmon Y, Raghunathan A, Schmidt L, Liang P, Duchi JC. Unlabeled data improves adversarial robustness. arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.13736. 2019 May 31.

[2] Croce F, Hein M. Reliable evaluation of adversarial robustness with an ensemble of diverse parameter-free attacks. InInternational conference on machine learning 2020 Nov 21 (pp. 2206-2216). PMLR.

[3] Zhang H, Yu Y, Jiao J, Xing E, El Ghaoui L, Jordan M. Theoretically principled trade-off between robustness and accuracy. InInternational Conference on Machine Learning 2019 May 24 (pp. 7472-7482). PMLR.

[4] Gowal, Sven, et al. "Uncovering the limits of adversarial training against norm-bounded adversarial examples." arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.03593 (2020).Gowal S, Qin C, Uesato J, Mann T, Kohli P. Uncovering the limits of adversarial training against norm-bounded adversarial examples. arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.03593. 2020 Oct 7.

[5] Mueller MN, Balunović M, Vechev M. Certify or predict: Boosting certified robustness with compositional architectures. InInternational Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2021) 2021 May 3. OpenReview.

[6] Zhao S, Zhou L, Wang W, Cai D, Lam TL, Xu Y. Towards better accuracy-efficiency trade-offs: Divide and co-training. arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.14660. 2020 Nov 30.