ACEnet: Anatomical Context-Encoding Network for Neuroanatomy Segmentation
Data can be found at 2012 MALC MICCAI challenge website.
- Use Freesurfer to preprocess data into 256x256x256 along with the brainmask generated.
- convert data and brainmasks to numpy, refer to ./data_utils/ function remaplabels() to generate corresponding labels.
The file should follow the directory:
|-->training-imagesnpy (1000_3.npy and 1000_3_brainmask.npy)
|-->training-labels-remapnpy (1000_3_glm.npy --labels for coarse segmentation)
|-->training-labels139 (1000_3_glm.npy --labels for fine-grained segmentation)
|-->testing-imagesnpy (1003_3.npy and 1000_3_brainmask.npy)
|-->testing-labels-remapnpy (1003_3_glm.npy --labels for coarse segmentation)
|-->testing-labels139 (1003_3_glm.npy --labels for fine-grained segmentation)
|-->all git files
git clone
cd ACEnet-for-Neuroanatomy-Segmentation
pip install nibabel tqdm
Parameter could be tuned at the beginning of the running files:,,
You need to modify the folowing subjects for training and testing:
RESUME_PATH: directory to resume the model
SAVE_DIR: directory to save the model
NUM_CLASS: label classes +1 (background)
TWO_STAGES: use two stage training
RESUME_PRETRAIN: set False if want to train from epoch 0, True to resume the pretrained epoch
DATA_DIR = '../resampled/'
DATA_LIST = './datasets/'
-b-train: For NVIDIA TITAN XP GPU with 12 GB memory, use batch size of 4.
-b-test: use 2, must be bigger than 1.
-num-slices: slice thickness used for Spatial Encoding Module, use 3 for coase-grained segmentation and 7 for for-grained segmentation.
--lr-scheduler: used poly
--lr: for train from scratch, use 0.01 and 0.02 for coarse and fine-grained respecitvely, for pretrain, use 0.001 and 0.005 for coarse and fine-grained respecitvely.
For start a new training, use:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --resume-pretrain False
For load the data augmented pretrain model, use:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --resume-pretrain True
For running the test, use:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python test_(coarse/fine).py
I have updated a test_demo folder for people to use, this folder contains the models trained on 30 MALC 2012 dataset in both coarse-grained and fine-grained segmentations.
You could chose any MRI images to generate corresponding segmentation labels. This model takes the input of a MRI brain images and outputs the setgmentation mask and skull mask.
The testing run script is referred in file "runscript.txt"
I added a dataloader file for loading nifty data. The file could be found under directory: ./data_utils/
Please refer to the paper for more implementation details:
title={ACEnet: Anatomical Context-Encoding Network for Neuroanatomy Segmentation},
author={Li, Yuemeng and Li, Hongming and Fan, Yong},
journal={Medical Image Analysis},