
the React16-compat library with hooks https://rubylouvre.github.io/nanachi/

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


GitHub license npm version CircleCI PRs Welcome Qunar.com

npm install anujs

A mini React-like framework that is extremely compatible with React16。 QQ group: 370262116


source: https://bundlephobia.com/


  1. Support various new features of React16, Fragment, componentDidCatch, creactContext, createRef, forwardRef, React Hooks(useRef, useContext, useState, useEffect, useReducer, useCallback, useMemo, useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useImperativeHandle)...
  2. The size is very small (only 3000 lines, gzip only 13kb, one third of React+ReactDOM)
  3. Pass more than 700 official unit tests (other mini libraries can not run the official test)
  4. Share the huge ecology of React(React-router-dom, react-router-redux, react-lazy-load, react-hot-loader...)
  5. Supports 99% antd components (antdis an enterprise-class UI components in China).
  6. Excellent browser compatibility, easy to handle all kinds of business under IE6-8.
  7. It comes with a painless state manager Rematch and a handy router Reach.
  8. Support wechat miniapp(微信小程序) https://rubylouvre.github.io/nanachi/




webpack config

resolve: {
    alias: {
       'react': 'anujs',
       'react-dom': 'anujs',
        'react-dom/server': 'anujs/dist/React/server',//在dist下面有一个Reac目录
         // For compatibility with IE please use the following configuration
         // 'react': 'anujs/dist/ReactIE',
         // 'react-dom': 'anujs/dist/ReactIE',
         // 'redux': 'anujs/lib/ReduxIE', /// This is mainly for IE6-8, because of the poor performance of the isPlainObject method in the official source code.
         // If you reference prop-types or create-react-class
         // Need to add the following alias
         'prop-types': 'anujs/lib/ReactPropTypes',
         'create-react-class': 'anujs/lib/createClass',
         // If you use the onTouchTap event on the mobile side
         'react-tap-event-plugin': 'anujs/lib/injectTapEventPlugin',


npm test