
Test ESP8266 GPIO MQTT Node Red

Primary LanguageC++

ESP8266 Test GPIO Led & Node-Red - MQTT (Broker Mosquitto)


IoT interaction

To integrate the module ESP8266 with node-red IoT platform has been used MQTT protocol, there are client libraries for esp8266 as MQTT in this case I decided to use the library pubsubclient.


This example will receive Node Red that receives data from the ESP8266 and allow control a LED connected to GPIO 02 from a dashboard created in Node Red Dashboard .

This repository contains:

1 arduino IDE Code

2 Backup Node Red for export

Interacion IoT

Para la integración del modulo ESP8266 con la plataforma IoT node-red se ha utilizado el protocolo MQTT, existen librerias para esp8266 como cliente MQTT en este caso he decidido utilizar la libreria pubsubclient.


Este ejemplo permitira recibir que Node red reciba datos desde el ESP8266 y permitira controlar un diodo led conectado al GPIO 02 desde un dashboard creado en Node Red Dashboard.

Este repositorio Contiene:

1 Codigo arduino IDE

2 Backup para exportacion Node red

Architecture - Arquitectura


#More info - Mas Informacion: Ingles http://pdacontrolen.com Español http://pdacontroles.com