
High level API for MOAI framework

Primary LanguageLua

--   _____                   _   _       _
--  |  __ \                 | \ | |     (_)
--  | |__) |__ _ _ __   __ _|  \| |_   _ _
--  |  _  // _` | '_ \ / _` | . ` | | | | |
--  | | \ \ (_| | |_) | (_| | |\  | |_| | |
--  |_|  \_\__,_| .__/ \__,_|_| \_|\__,_|_|
--              | |
--              |_|


by Ymobe ltd  (http://ymobe.co.uk)


 RapaNui uses the Common Public Attribution License Version 1.0 (CPAL) http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpal_1.0.
 CPAL is an Open Source Initiative approved
 license based on the Mozilla Public License, with the added requirement that you attribute
 Moai (http://getmoai.com/) and RapaNui in the credits of your program.

How to use RapaNui in your project:

1) Copy rapanui-sdk under your project dir
2) Copy config.lua from rapanui directory under your project
3) Add a require "config" into your main.lua
4) Add a require "rapanui-sdk.rapanui" into your main.lua

Now your main.lua should look something like this
require "config"
require "rapanui-sdk.rapanui"

How to test RapaNui in Moai distribution for Mac iOS:

1) under your moai dir find the dir "samples" create a new dir "RapaNui"
2) copy all the file of RapaNui (including sub subdirectories) in the new [YOUR_MOAI_DIR]/samples/RapaNui

in Moai's xcode ios SampleMoai project:

1) find the file named "moai-target" (should be under Resources -> build -> moai-target)
2) change the content to "../../samples/RapaNui"

now run the project

How to test RapaNui in Moai distribution for Windows:

1)download or clone RapaNui as is.

2)Find these files in the Moai distribution:
- moai.exe from Moai's bin folder
- config.lua from Moai's samples\config folder 

3)Now create .bat file in the RapaNui root directory.
Use the paths of those files and set the lua file to run.

Example .bat file (in this example Moai distribution is under C:\moai-sdk directory):


4)Now run the .bat file you've just created.

To change the demo of RapaNui

1) find and edit the main.lua under [YOUR_MOAI_DIR]/samples/RapaNui/main.lua
2) comment current sample with "--"
3) uncomment the sample you want to test.
4) run the project

The RapaNui team