
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Pub/Sub Term Project Artificial Intelligence ADÜ

Yusuf Metin ÖZER 221805073

Homework Explanation

We have 3 publisher agents and 1 subscriber agent. Publishers use T1.csv to stream. Then subscriber combines these streams and creates a file if they have matching time. Data streamed in 1 second period.


Firstly install Docker to computer and start application. After enter below command to terminal:

docker-compose up

From now on, we done for docker... After cloning repository:

cd pubsub_term
python -m venv .
./Scripts/Activate.ps1 # For Powershell
pip install -r ./requirements.txt


While docker running, open two seperate terminal windows. Then run publisher.py and subs.py:

python publisher.py 
python subs.py